(Please note: this link occasionally does not work!)
Here's a picture of my finished block:
I'd like this block to be as scrappy as possible. Please keep your geese feet in one color family if possible. Having said that chartreuse above looks really yellow...but that's ok too. Many values within your selected color family are ok and encouraged. I like LOTS of color so mix and match away! (If your stash doesn't permit you to stay in one color family, it is ok to venture into a second color family.)
Brights are my preference over pastels. Batiks are welcomed. I don't care for brown or beige though.
I'd prefer that you use 8 different fabrics for the geese tracks above. However, if your stash doesn't allow that, please use what you have--both colorwise and varietywise. It'll all be fine with me! (And...I'll try not to make up too many more words. But no promises here. J)
Please use low volume (LV) fabric for the sashing, flying geese background, and corner squares. Off white, gray on white, or LV containing some color are all ok.
Cutting directions:

Low Volume
. Cut 4 strips 2" x 5 3/4" - A
. Cut 4 squares 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" - B
. Cut 8 rectangles 4" x 2 1/4" - C
Cutting Instructions for HSTs and geese feet
. Cut 1 each from 8 different fabrics
4 1/2" x 4 1/2" square (8 total)
. Cut 2 each from 8 different fabrics
2 1/4" x 2 1/4" square (16 total)
Cut 1 square 2" x 2" from any fabric
(this is for the center square that joins the sashing) (1 total)
Make Flying Geese Units
1st Side -
1. Draw a diagonal line on the back of all 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" squares
2. Place a square, right sides together (RST), on a 4" x 2 1/4" low volume rectangle.
3. Sew ON the line.
Note: chain piecing here can expedite your work!
4. Trim seam.
Press seam toward triangle.
2nd Side -
6. Using a different fabric, place a 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" square RST on the other end of the rectangle.
7. Sew ON the line.
8. Trim the seam.
9. Press seam toward the triangle.
Make 8 Flying Geese Units. Each unit should use two different fabrics (if possible) for the triangle parts of the geese.
Make 4 HST units
1. Layer two 4 1/2" squares, RST.
2. Draw a diagonal line on the back side of each unit.
3. Sew 1/4" seam on both sides of the drawn line.
4. Cut on the drawn line for 2 HSTs.
5. Press seams toward darker fabric.
6. Make remaining 3 sets of HSTs using remaining 4 1/2" squares (6).
Note: 4 sets of HSTs = 8 HST's
7. Trim squares to 4" x 4".
8. Assemble HSTs, flying geese units, sashing, and corner squares on table.
9. Start with one HST and one flying goose unit. Sew the flying geese unit to the HST.
10. Press seam toward HST unit.
11. Sew corner square to second flying geese unit.
12. Press seam toward corner square.
13. Sew second flying geese/corner square unit to HST/flying geese unit.
14. Press seam toward HST unit.
15. Repeat steps 9 -14 for the remaining 3 HST units. Lay out completed units with sashing and center square.
16. Stitch center sashing strip to right side HST units and right side of center square.
Press seams toward sashing on HST unit.
*NOTE: disregard picture (below) concerning center square. Press center square seam toward sashing.
Press seams toward sashing.
18. Sew upper row to center sashing strip row, nesting seams as needed. Press seam toward sashing. Sew bottom row to upper unit. Press seam toward sashing. You're done! Have some chocolate!
Press seams toward sashing on HST unit.
*NOTE: disregard picture (below) concerning center square. Press center square seam toward sashing.
17. Stitch center sashing strip to left side of HST units and center square. Press seams toward sashing.
18. Sew upper row to center sashing strip row, nesting seams as needed. Press seam toward sashing. Sew bottom row to upper unit. Press seam toward sashing. You're done! Have some chocolate!
Your finished block should measure 12 1/2" square.
Please feel free to contact me via email ( or instagram @maryfromvaintn if you have any questions.
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