Friday, February 23, 2024

Folded Patchwork 🟧 🟨 🟦 🟪 for Chris!


Well...this was something! After the first one took nearly 45 minutes, I was definitely feeling some kind of way 😅, but the subsequent were more like 18. Phew. I, too, hand-basted because I didn't want to risk my hard-fought-for folds.

One more month like this one and the last, and we'll have to call this PrecisionBee!

I'll get these in the mail ASAP—realistically it will be Tuesday morning.

Thanks (90% thanks, lol) for pushing my comfort zone!! I've been obsessed with cozy things lately, so I can't wait to see how this turns out and how much you love it!!! It seems like it would be super snuggly and so fun to look at. I can see this being a fun and different way to assemble an I-Spy quilt.


P.S. I hope you're okay with a bit of whimsy!! 🐹🐈🐠🐰🔥

1 comment:

Chris said...

These look so perfect! I do like whimsy and can’t wait to receive them.