Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Hive 2. . . block for Paulette

Well 2019 has started out with a "bang" for me.  LOL

Hubby and I have been exchanging a lousy cold (the 2nd one since November!) but I think it has finally run its course.

Here is my block for Paulette. . . and it will be going in the mail later this afternoon:

The center fabric is definitely purple. . . but I am using a 14 year old camera so that could account for the blue-ish look.

Over the weekend, in anticipation of the ice storm that was predicted, hubby was making sure that the generator was in working order.  Somehow he tripped over his own feet, or something, and fell.  He lost the cup of coffee he was carrying and managed to break a rib on the left side.

Thankfully this block was already completed because I have been playing nursemaid since we got home from the Urgent Care center all weekend.

I actually looked forward to going back to work this morning!  LOL

Paulette, I hope you like the block.  I have done the same block as a scrap quilt and I am thinking that this might be a cool look for the quilt. . . much more "organized" even though there are a large number of fabrics in it.

I am looking to see what you end up with after the swap.

In peace & pieces,

Sherry V.


scraps125 said...

I love it Sherry. Thank you and get well soon.

lvkwilt said...

Beautiful block! I, too, hope you feel better soon. I can tell you that I have been taking Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar every night for well over a year and I don't get sick since I'm doing this. I won't lie and say it's good, but it is good for your health. If you are interested, there is a ton of info on it on Pinterest!