Sunday, August 28, 2016

Stash Bee Hive 6, August Block for Jen

This last month seems to have been all about the paper. The Bubbles Bee 2 is foundation piecing every month. I have finally mastered it, now in month 8. And Stash Bee Hive 6 was foundation piecing too this month. All the practice in Bubble Bee has prepared me well.

First up was Jen's paper pieced bee square. I  have a little difficulty with my printer printing to 100%. Who would think there was difference between printing 100% and print to size? My lovely work friend Miss F sorted that for me. I realise now that is how my Wanta Fanta blocks weren't quite right size for Karma Willow earlier in the year.

I made the four blocks very quickly and sewed them altogether. Oops, they were sewn into a square rather than an X.

They were quickly unpicked and sewn into an X. The photo is just before I sewed them.

Then I noticed that some bees had a square, some had an X.

Then I saw Jen wants the four components left unsewn for her to play with.  I have sent her two x two. This will still give her enough to play about with, without weakening the seams by unpicking. I have also learnt to make my foundation piecing slightly large circumference cutting line. This gives room for error in the cutting. I have left this for Jen to trim herself, it will have better easement if someone else's block is rather shy of the measurements.
Helen x

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