Saturday, July 1, 2017

July Block Tutorial for Hive 6

Hi I'm Karen and I hope I'm the Queen for Hive 6 for July.  I am late getting my tutorial posted because I have been locked out of my phone and iPad by Apple for the last 6 days.

Here is the block I would like made -- a string block. Actually, it is 4 61/2" string blocks sewn together to make a 12 1/2" string block.
String blocks are so easy to make.
These will be made using the foundation method.  I've found a 7 1/2" light foundation square works well.  Start out by placing one string right side up diagonally in the center of the square, then sew a strip placed right sides together.  Press and continue till the square is covered in strings.  Trim the 4 blocks up to 6 1/2" and sew 4 together so that it looks like an X.  Use whatever colors or stash that you probably already have.  I'm showing some of my completed blocks.  I know my pictures aren't in order but I hope you get the idea of what I want (I'm computer challenged...)

I'm sorry my pictures are not in order, I hope you get the idea.  Computers and I don't get along apparently.


Unknown said...

are there any particular colours you would like..or dont want in your blocks?

what do you use for the foundation? i havent done this kind of block before


Karen Rowland said...

Any colors and just a light muslin or any light color fabric for the foundation. Google string blocks and you'll find much better instructions than mine.

Unknown said...

Thanks Karen!

Cross Mountain Quilts said...

Thanks for choosing this particular block. I've been meaning to try out string piecing but somehow never have. No more excuses!