Saturday, July 1, 2023

Hive 1 - July Tutorial - Tiny Tiles for Chris

Hello Hive Humans:

Being so busy in the middle of summer (vacations and plenty of outdoor beach activities) I chose a very simple and fast block to make - a Tiny Tile Quilt by Purl Soho for the Fall.  I chose batiks because they make me happy!

I'd really love you all to embrace a Fall Spectrum of colors:  oranges, reds, greens, yellows, golds, browns and the like.  Please keep your choices to very small or solid'ish batiks. Maybe no blues, purples and blacks?  If this sounds too picky, you are free to ignore me! Also, if you don't have batiks, please select some fabric in your stash that looks like it could be a batik.

Here are some of the batiks I’m working with:

I noticed I don’t have many (any) reds or yellows so…

The larger background squares should be quilting cotton in either solid off-white or solid light tan.

Each hive member will make 4 blocks but please don't stitch them together. I will lay them all out on my design board for placement.

Fabric Requirements:

16  2" squares of (random) batiks

4    5 1/2" squares of off-white or light tan solid (quilting cotton)

Here is the website with a tutorial if needed:

Tiny Tile Quilt - Purl SohoPurl Soho

Start by cutting your 2" squares and place them in a bowl or bag to randomly pick 4 for each corner of your  5 1/2” background square.

Draw a diagonal line on the back (hmmm...which side of the batik is the back?!) of each 2" square and sew one to each corner of your background fabric.  

Note:  A wise Quilty Pal once directed me to sew just on the outside of your drawn line - toward the corner - so that when attached, it will perfectly align with the bottom half when you fold it over to check.

Repeat on all 4 corners, remembering to be random in your batik picks.

Trim away excess to 1/4" and press toward the corners.

And then... YOU. ARE. DONE.

Remember to make 4 blocks total.

I hope you all embrace the simplicity of this little project of mine.  I am a confident beginner looking for quilt projects that will stay off my naughty shelf of UFO's!  Although it may not be great a skill-building block for most of you, it means a lot to me as a beginner seeking community and the joy of quilting!

Here is a photo of the finished Tiny Tile Quilt by Purl Soho:

This may actually be my first project I will quilt by myself on my domestic machine, and the first quilt I will hand finish my binding!  My previous quilts have been finished with a Longarm computer program and machine binding.  That's the Big Plan anyway.

Happy quilting!


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