Hello Everyone,
Sylvia wanted me to share her finished quilt, Gnome Forest, that she made with the help of her hive from 2015! I remember when she requested these cute little trees and gnomes and I think her quilt turned out beautifully! You can read more about her finish and see a few more close-up photos on Sylvia's blog, Flying Parrot Quilts.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Hive 6 (2017) Your blocks
I just wanted to say thanks to the wonderful quilters who made these blocks for me.:

I love all the bright colored tulips and can't wait to finish this quilt. It is on my UFO list for the new year.
Again, what wonderful blocks these are! THANK YOU HIVE 6!

I love all the bright colored tulips and can't wait to finish this quilt. It is on my UFO list for the new year.
Again, what wonderful blocks these are! THANK YOU HIVE 6!
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Finished Quilt - Hive 1 2017
For my month as hive queen, I asked for large Crosses and Losses blocks, in blues and greens, with low volume backgrounds. The wonderful members of Hive 1 for 2017 sent so many awesome blocks! Then they sat on my design wall for the rest of the year, not so patiently waiting their turn as I finished some other projects. I got some motivation after Thanksgiving to get this one finished so I could gift it to my grandmother-in-law. Her favorite color is green, and I'm hoping it will help brighten up her room at the long term care facility where she now lives. My only pictures are sort of dark though - I thought my mother-in-law (who is delivering it for me) was leaving today, so I was up late last night binding!
My daughter chose the fabric for the back, and I also made use of two extra blocks, plus a block I made when testing options before my month as queen. My original plan was to ask for a 16 inch finished block comprised of four 8 inch Crosses and Losses sections, but my test block took me far past the 1.5 hour limit!
I had enough of the backing fabric left to also use it for the binding, but I won't be doing that again! Binding is my least favorite part of quilt making (and the only part that I actively *dislike*), and I had the hardest time seeing the edge of the binding against the backing when sewing it down on that side. Only highly-contrasting bindings for me from now on!
I really enjoyed the bee this year, and am looking forward to 2018!
Friday, December 15, 2017
Stash Bee 2018 - UPDATE - Notifications Going Out!
Just wanted to let everyone know that hive information for the 2018 Stash Bee will be sent out by the end of this weekend so you should see something in your inbox by Sunday evening. Sorry for the delay in getting the notifications out, it just took a bit longer to sort out the hives this year. Thanks for your patience everyone!
There are also a few slots available if you're still thinking of signing up. If you don't get in, you'll be added to a waitlist and we always dip into it throughout the year because life happens to all of us! CLICK HERE to access the sign-up form.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Hive 2 Block for Heather
Hi all,
Paper pieced blocks are a challenge as my printer does not have an "actual size" or 100% setting and the patterns always print small. So, I play around with enlarging and can usually get close. But this time.. it was a struggle so I contacted Heather to send me papers but something happened and I never got them. So, I went ahead and made the alternate block and I'll also send the Circle of Geese block that I made but I think it's a tad too big.
It's been a fun year! I've got my top pieced together but need to decide if I'm going to do borders and then to quilt it on my longarm.
Paper pieced blocks are a challenge as my printer does not have an "actual size" or 100% setting and the patterns always print small. So, I play around with enlarging and can usually get close. But this time.. it was a struggle so I contacted Heather to send me papers but something happened and I never got them. So, I went ahead and made the alternate block and I'll also send the Circle of Geese block that I made but I think it's a tad too big.
It's been a fun year! I've got my top pieced together but need to decide if I'm going to do borders and then to quilt it on my longarm.
Finished Quilt
I was the March queen for Hive 6, and many of you sent blocks for my dad's I Spy quilt. He has been in a long term care facility since May, and seems quite happy there. The quilt is finished, and is on it's way to him for Christmas. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Hive 5 November - Scrappy Cross Plus Block
Hive 5 November Tutorial - Scrappy Cross Plus Block
I am really pleased with this block - I love the teal, green blue ripples that I have fussy cut to lighten into the center cross. From a distance it has a three dimension / optical awesomeness!
It's in the post.
Miss September - anna
Queen Carolyn Block 8
I started work on a mystery quilt a couple of weeks ago and clue two required gaggles of geese, so this block went together pretty fast! Love your colors, Carolyn. I just hope that it is okay that the pinwheel was all in the same color group.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Hive 5 - November Blocks
Kristen asked for some scrappy Cross Plus blocks. I've made this block a few times before and love how quickly it goes together. Here's my finished block:
I hope you like it, Kristen! Sorry it is slightly late. November got away from me!
Thanks for a fun year, Hive 5!
I hope you like it, Kristen! Sorry it is slightly late. November got away from me!
Thanks for a fun year, Hive 5!
Block for Kristen, hive5
It is a lovely block! And easy to make (then why t took me so long to finish?!)
Hope you'll like it :)
Thanks for this year!
Have a Wonderful Christmas :)
Hope you'll like it :)
Thanks for this year!
Have a Wonderful Christmas :)
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Block for Diane
Enjoy this block in your quilt, Diane!!! The purple is a Marcia Derse fabric as you requested. It’s been my pleasure to sew with you all and get to know you this year! Hope we continue on in 2018! My very best wishes to all for wonderful holidays!
Blocks for Kathy
So sorry to be so late, Kathy! I do hope you like this block! Happy Holidays to you & your family!
All the best,
All the best,
November block for Laura
This is the block for Laura our November queen. I bet the quilt she makes will look great. It's in the mail Laura.
The Finish line for Hive 5!
We made it (with an hour and a half to spare). So sorry this is late - November flew by.
The block was easy to put together and the colors will pop so well! I look forward to seeing it.
The block was easy to put together and the colors will pop so well! I look forward to seeing it.
Hive 5, you have been wonderful! Thank you so much!
November Block for Heather
Well what a way to end Stashbee 2017. It was a challenge for me since I had only done the paper piecing bird earlier this year with Cheryl's help. I came home Monday night after work and was determined to get this done on my own. Made 3 that night except #3 had to be redone because one piece of the material was too short and I hadn't noticed it. So yesterday I finished the last 2 and discovered that I had 2 blocks going clockwise and 2 going counter-clockwise and not enough grey background for 2 more. So I preserved and finished 2 more blocks using a different grey. I like the block the troubles I had were just mine, I hope you can use the block and I will be getting mine and Cheryl's block in the mail probably tomorrow. Until next year.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Hive 1: November 2017 Block for Diana
I really like the bold design lines of this block which went well with the bold colors. I sent this off in the mail this morning.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
November - Hive 5
I don't know what happened this month. I usually complete my blocks early in the month, but this time I have let it slip by. This is a great block. I chose this block last year for my choice for Hive 4, and have my top completed but not quilted. So hope I can share it soon. Will get these in the mail tomorrow for Kristen.
Had a good time making blocks through the year and have signed up again for next year, too. Hope to swap with some of you from the group again!
Had a good time making blocks through the year and have signed up again for next year, too. Hope to swap with some of you from the group again!
hive 7 blocks for Frieda
Just in time . . . here are your bright plus blocks, Frieda. Or in this case, because they are on point, your x blocks. They were fun to make once I decided on the brights and low volumes. Hope that you enjoy them. They were mailed today.
Wishing everyone a lovely December and holiday season.
Cathleen aka Kitch Kouture
Wishing everyone a lovely December and holiday season.
Cathleen aka Kitch Kouture
November Hive 5
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Hive 2 November Geese for Heather
Just under the wire, here's my final block of the year for Heather! It will go in the mail along with Cyndi's this week. ;)
I love paper pieced blocks! This was a fantastic choice for our finale, Heather! I hope it works well with the others. Keeping this idea in my "one of these days" file.
Happy quilting!
Pink Geese for Laura
The last block of my first year with Stash Bee is for Laura. I worried I did not have enough light grey fabric but then remembered the blocks we made in April for Irene. I mailed this on the eve of the American Thanksgiving-and was feeling grateful for a year of fun blocks.
Laura, I hope you soon have a beautiful quilt!
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
November Block for Hive 3
I almost didn't sign up for Stash Bee this year. I really enjoyed it last year but I knew my time would be tight. I work almost full time and this year I am chairing the outreach committee for my local quilt guild, which is a huge undertaking so I knew I would be busy. What I didn't realize was how busy I would be. Between my daughter in law having immune issues and my 88 year old aunt entering crisis years . I've been stretched to the limit. So I apologize to anyone who got their block late from me....although I know you are all understanding women.
Today I will be travelling into Toronto to visit my aunt in the hospital but as my bus doesn't leave until 12:20 I decided to make the little tree blocks that Judy asked for.
I don't have a lot of true greens in my stash as I gravitate towards yellow greens myself, but I did have this Shwe Shwe fabric so that is what I went with. I've made several of these blocks before but always improvisationally so it was interesting to follow a precise pattern.
I'm also sharing a photo of the October block for Lisa. I finished this block ages ago but never posted about it.
I love this block. I really really love the combination of red white and blue. It's too bad I'm not American. Just think of all the patriotic quilts I could make.
All these blocks should be in the mail tomorrow I promise I'm going to put them in their envelopes as soon as I get off the computer.
Lisa from Canada
Today I will be travelling into Toronto to visit my aunt in the hospital but as my bus doesn't leave until 12:20 I decided to make the little tree blocks that Judy asked for.
I don't have a lot of true greens in my stash as I gravitate towards yellow greens myself, but I did have this Shwe Shwe fabric so that is what I went with. I've made several of these blocks before but always improvisationally so it was interesting to follow a precise pattern.
I'm also sharing a photo of the October block for Lisa. I finished this block ages ago but never posted about it.
I love this block. I really really love the combination of red white and blue. It's too bad I'm not American. Just think of all the patriotic quilts I could make.
All these blocks should be in the mail tomorrow I promise I'm going to put them in their envelopes as soon as I get off the computer.
Lisa from Canada
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Last block of 2017
Another year has passed, stash bee friends, this one even more quickly than the years prior. Or is that just me as a mom to a young girl?? I was able to make this block set very quickly yesterday morning, whil waiting to go outlet shopping with friends. (Meaning I drove 2 hours to shop at the Gap lol). I think I will make these trees in the future, but I say that a lot. Happy thanksgiving and other holidays, friends. See you in 2018 on one platform or another!
-Lee (@zanytaylor)
Hive 1 November Block
Keep forgetting to post the block I made for Diana G. I really loved making it and it is on my to do list.
Diana.... Hoping this will work in your quilt. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Sewing. By the way it has been mailed.
Diana.... Hoping this will work in your quilt. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Sewing. By the way it has been mailed.
Monday, November 20, 2017
This is the block for Laura. I made it the first week of November and then, I forgot to write about it. It is going in the mail tomorrow!
Dieser Block ist für Laura. Ich haben ihn schon for ein paar Wochen genäht, habe aber dann vergessen den Post zu schreiben. Ich bringe ihn morgen auf die Post!
Even though pink is really not my color, I really like this block. I like everything about it: the combination of color, the construction, everything....
Rosa ist wirklich nicht eine meiner Lieblingsfarben, aber mir gefällt dieser Block schon sehr - die Farbkombinationen, die Konstruktion, etc ...
I hope Laura likes my block.
Ich hoffe der Block gefällt Laura...
Dieser Block ist für Laura. Ich haben ihn schon for ein paar Wochen genäht, habe aber dann vergessen den Post zu schreiben. Ich bringe ihn morgen auf die Post!
Even though pink is really not my color, I really like this block. I like everything about it: the combination of color, the construction, everything....
Rosa ist wirklich nicht eine meiner Lieblingsfarben, aber mir gefällt dieser Block schon sehr - die Farbkombinationen, die Konstruktion, etc ...
I hope Laura likes my block.
Ich hoffe der Block gefällt Laura...
Sunday, November 19, 2017
November Stash Bee Block for Hive 6
Hi Laura!
Here is the block I made for you. I hope the grays I used will fit in with the rest. Some of them are a little darker than what your sample showed.
I saved the triangle scraps just in case you want them and will send them along with the block. Can't wait to see them all together!
Here is the block I made for you. I hope the grays I used will fit in with the rest. Some of them are a little darker than what your sample showed.
I saved the triangle scraps just in case you want them and will send them along with the block. Can't wait to see them all together!
Hive 3 Trees for Judy
And that's a wrap! What a fun, fun year this has been participating in Stash Bee! Judy's simple forest blocks are already on their way...I look forward to seeing the finished top, it'll be great!
Thank you, hive-mates! It has been a great time hanging out with you and stitching up your bee-autiful blocks!
Thank you, hive-mates! It has been a great time hanging out with you and stitching up your bee-autiful blocks!
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Hive 5 - November
Kristen has already received these, I’m just very forgetful about posting. I’ve admired this block every time I’ve seen it. Definitely going on my list for 2018.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Scrap Bag Geese for Laura
Queen Laura asked for Scrap Bag Geese in any and all shades of pink. Flying geese are not usually my favorite but I find I don't mind them much this way. I enjoyed these and think that all the pink geese will look amazing together. Can't wait to see them all fly!
Emily, Hive 6
Emily, Hive 6
Circles of Geese for Heather
Heather sent Hive 2 out with a bang with her selection of the Circle of Geese block! Paper piecing isn't usually my
thing, but I enjoyed putting these blocks together. It was fun to raid
my stash for 12 prints of the same color.
I dropped this in the mail today. It's been a wonderful year and I can't wait to see everyone's finished quilts.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Judy's Trees
Thanks Judy! Your tree blocks are easy, fun, and CUTE! Just the kind of sewing I was looking for during a busy time of year. I hope your forest quilt comes together the way you want it. I'm loving seeing people's finished Stash Bee quilts already, although mine is still a UFO.
Hive 2 - November Flying Geese for Heather
I just learned how to do paperless paper piecing without sewing through the paper so that you can reuse your pattern and there is no tearing pieces of paper out of the seam. You can find a tutorial for this method at paperless paper piecing This was the perfect pattern to use this method. Heather gave us several color choices. So I picked yellow. This will be going out in the mail this weekend. Can't wait to see a completed quilt.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
November Hive 7
Frieda wants to make a scrappy cross quilt. I have a gigantic pile of scraps - seriously - and I loved making this block so I kept going. 4 was as easy as 1! Hope you like them!
I hope you are at the meeting on Saturday - I will bring them!
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Hive 1 November Block for Diane
Diane chose a great block for our hive to end the year. Her quilt will be wonderfully colorful, and I can't wait to see all her blocks together.
Thanks to everyone in Hive 1 for such a fun year, and especially to Diana for keeping us all organized! I've loved participating in Stash Bee, and getting to know all of you a bit in the process.
Diane--your block will be in the mail tomorrow!
-Alicia (@qvilt)
Thanks to everyone in Hive 1 for such a fun year, and especially to Diana for keeping us all organized! I've loved participating in Stash Bee, and getting to know all of you a bit in the process.
Diane--your block will be in the mail tomorrow!
-Alicia (@qvilt)
Monday, November 13, 2017
Hive 1 Block for Diane
This block was a delight to make Diane! I can't wait to see how the quilt turns out, I think it should be stunning!
Hive 5 November Block
This block was fun to make. It has been a fun year. Have a happy holidays.
Have a Good day.
Hive 5 October Block
I am so sorry that I am late, my life exploded and with it my will to sew but I am back on track and I finished my October Block blocks and will get them in the mail tomorrow.
Have a good day. Kristi
Have a good day. Kristi
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Hive 1 November Block for Diane
I'm so glad Diane took a picture of the blocks I sent and posted below because I deleted my pictures after mailing! Oops! I took a screenshot of my instagram pics but the pics Diane took look better. This one was super fun, I could see it being a great block to do a super modern black and white or something like that.....Thanks so much for this one, Diane! - Greta b
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