Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hive 4 May Block

Hello, it's Diana from Red Delicious Life. Was so happy to get some quality time in my sewing room today and this is what I worked on - a half-square-triangle block for Barb! Picking out the layout was probably the most challenging part since there are so may possibilities. I finally decided on this:

Barb wanted vibrant colors, but I'm starting to realize that I'm somewhat reserved in my colorful fabric selections. I tend to gravitate more toward blenders and solids so that stumped me for a bit. Luckily, during a recent online purchase I tossed a charm pack into my cart that I hope works well for her. It's called Technicolor by Emily Herrick.

Now to answer this month's question. I definitely make quilts with the intention that they be well loved and used. I also like to use white as my background color (usually Kona white), even with bright colors, and have never had an issue with color bleeding. Maybe it's those wonderful color catchers or I've just gotten lucky. Here's a quilt that I thought was sure to bleed since I'd used some unknown donated fabrics but it didn't. The color catchers even came out of the wash almost white!

1 comment:

Barb Neiwert said...

Wow - what a fun block you've put together - I love it! Thank you! And the quilt you've shown is gorgeous. So glad it didn't bleed. You know, I never even think to worry about bleeding. Oops. Guess I should do the color catchers consistently