Stash Bee Hive #2 May blocks for Helen
So, in case you haven't guessed from the photo, this month I'm after wonky stars!
The requirements are as follows:
1. Use Kona Coal as the background colour
2. Use bright, modern, rich colours for the stars themselves, as scrappy or not as you can (if you are in a fix, I'm happy for them to all be one colour but would prefer scrappy :-)
3. Main colours to use are purple, pink, orange, green, blue, yellow - but all rich, bright colours (i.e. not pastels) I've made a mosaic below to give you an idea of what I mean, but don't feel limited to these collections fabric wise.

1.Cocoon Valori Wells 2. Heirloom combo in Amber by Joel Dewberry 3. Joel Dewberry Heirloom Collection 4.Sapphire from Joel Dewberry Heirloom Collection
5.Weekends -by Erin McMorris 6.Free Spirit Anna Maria Horner 7.Free Spirit Anna Maria Horner Loulouthi 8.Art Gallery Fabric - Bespoken Collection by Patricia Bravo
9.LouLouThi Fat Quarter Bundle Anna Marie Horner
4. Please use modern fabrics and avoid batiks
5. You can either make one or two 12.5" stars or any number of smaller stars (of any size) as individuals or sewn together as long as the total surface area comes to 12.5" or bigger. (am I making this as complicated as it sounds!?)

6. If you own Modern Blocks compiled by Susan Woods then Stargazing (above) on page 178 is a perfect pattern for multiple wonky stars in one block. However, I am happy to have them smaller and separate and I'll figure out how to stick them all together later!
7. If you have never made scrappy stars before this;
Is a perfect tutorial for 12.5" stars
If you have any questions, please ask, I feel like I may have made this super complicated! I'm so excited to see these blocks and have a bright night sky quilt!
N.b. when I signed up for stash bee I was worried I might have moved by May so I entered my parents' address on the google doc. I didn't move so have amended it to be my address. it is correct on the google doc now, but just in case you have been super organised and pre printed the address list, please re check and send to the address in Kent :-)
Oh that is gorgeous! I love to make stars - even if I have never done before
Actually I am really sad now because the stargazing quilt was the one I wanted to make but I will think about a new one. I have seen so many blocks in the other hives .. I will find something else!
Let me try again, I dislike spell check, sometimes!
I love this block so much fun to make!!
Stars are my fav! Can't wait to get started.
Woohoo....I'm excited to get started on this one. Now I just need to find some Kona coal.
Vicki @ Quilting Lodge
Hi Helen! I'm the newbie to the hive and I am so excited about this block. I love wonky stars:)
mine will be on its way very soon.... we are just super behind at the mo with closing on a house in the next few weeks :) Sorry for the delay xxx
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