Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Hive 1 March Tutorial - Warm and Sunny Zipper Block for Julia C

 I've chosen a zipper quilt block variation for my month. This is inspired by a quilt by Rachel Hayes, which I originally saw on Pinterest. She has since shut down her quilt-specific blog but you can see some quilts at her personal blog here.


Bright, true yellows, oranges, pinks/corals, magenta into purple. Please keep these bright and saturated--avoid pastels or anything that reads outside of the color group (so no brown-y oranges, no blue-y purples). Prints, solids, batiks all welcome. 

You will also need some black and white fabrics.


Of colored fabrics: cut 16 6.5x2.5 strips.

Of black and white fabrics: cut 16 2.5x2.5 squares.

Optional: replace one colored strip with black and white, and one square with a colored fabric.


Match up each strip with a square to make 8.5x2.5 strip units. 

I had an orphan block in the same colors, so that got turned into strips! Feel free to do the same with any of your scraps/orphan blocks, if you want.

Begin sewing the strips together. Do not put two strips of the same fabric touching. Your final block will have two rows of eight strip units. Change the direction with every strip—no seams to match on this part! Note that the small square is in the upper right corner of the block. 

If you chose to do one reverse colored strip, put it anywhere in the block. Make sure that you are following the pattern of the square placement--don't get confused by the color change. 

Press seams however you like. The final block should come out to 16.5x16.5.

Some more pictures:

I've had exactly one 5x5 square of that stripey watercolor fabric forever...so glad I found a use for it!

Four blocks together.

Thank you all!

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