Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hive 2 tutorial — Antique Tile for Sherry

Happy June!

This is the third time, or maybe the fourth, that I have been a part of StashBee.  They have not been consecutive times so that is where the discrepancy comes in.

I am originally from New Jersey but now live in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains.  If any of you are familiar with the reality show “Moonshiners”, Mark and Digger are from the county that I live in.

My block is called Antique Tile and is a nine patch block variation.  The pattern that I used was from

The block finishes at 12 1/2” which includes the seam allowance.

The colors shown are just the ones that I grabbed.  Feel free to use any fabrics you like.  The yellow fabric is just to have a “constant” throughout the quilt.

I love scrappy quilts that have some kind of unifying element, and that is where the yellow comes in.

Brights, low volume, wild, sedate, calm, loud…..all fabrics are allowed to play.

Just only use three fabrics in your block.
Thank you.

You will need three fabrics:

A.  Yellow

B and C.  A lighter and a darker shade of your favorite color

The cutting is as follows:

From all three fabrics cut four rectangles that are 2 1/2” x 4 1/2”.

From the two shades of your color cut four squares that are 2 1/2” x 2 1/2”.

From the lighter of your color cut one square that is 4 1/2” x 4 1/2”.

Lay out your pictures as below:

Since this is a nine patch variation the way I constructed it was by piecing the squares together first:

After that I sewed the yellow and dark rectangles and the squares and rectangles from the corners together to create squares:

Sorry, it seems that I didn’t take a picture of the four corner squares before I started sewing the blocks together.

Once the squares were done I started the assembly of the block.  I like “webbing” my blocks whenever possible…I think it helps me keep things straight.

I took the first two squares of each row and sewed them together:

When that was done I added the last square onto each row:

Then it was just a matter of sewing each row together to complete the block:

I am looking forward to seeing what your favorite colors are.

Green is not my favorite color……but you wouldn’t know that by the amount of green fabric I have in my stash! LOL  I thought I better start using it so I can make room for more yellows and pinks.

Hope you have fun with this block and that your summer is fun filled.


Sherry V

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