
Thursday, November 1, 2018

2019 Stash Bee Sign Up!

CLICK HERE to access the sign-up form. Hives will be announced at the end of November or early December via email. Anyone not assigned to a hive will be placed on the waiting list in the order that they signed up.

Please review our Rules and Participant Roles & Expectations before signing up. If you have additional questions you can email me (Alanna) here.

Who Can Join?

The bee is open to new and returning members. We will have up to 7 Hives for 2019, which means we can only take 70 people - so sign up early. Returning members still need to sign up each year.

Please note - returning members, you MUST be in good standing with the bee. That means that all of your 2018 blocks must be mailed and received AND you cannot have been late more than twice throughout the year.

Things to Remember

This is a modern bee. That means your hive members can ask for modern blocks, modern techniques, and/or modern fabrics within the scope of the block restrictions. If you prefer more traditional blocks and more traditional fabrics (like reproduction fabrics, civil war prints, etc) then this bee is NOT for you.

This year Stash Bee is being organized by one Canadian (Alanna) and one American (Laura).  Stash Bee is international friendly. ALL HIVES can expect to have a mix of countries, with up to 3-4 hive members from countries other than the U.S.A. 

During the sign-up process, you will be asked if you would like to be assigned to a social media hive. You will have the choice to join a hive that will communicate primarily through Instagram or Facebook.  Don't like or use those platforms? That's okay! You'll be assigned a hive that will stay right here on the blog. 

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