
Friday, September 30, 2016

Almost Late ... Hive 1 Stars

This month kicked my butt several times over, and for some reason, every time I sat down to do my bee block, something "blocked" my progress ...

I've don't remember ever being quite this late posting and sending a block before ... Sorry, Laura!  Hope at least one of these work well with your vision.

September Hive 8 Block

Hi All,
Well to say that September has been busy would be an understatement! Traveling and a crazy demanding job has me spent but I was determined to get this block finished.  I will be honest and say that it took over 12 hours, resulted in lots of "oops" blocks, a lot of scraps and a very frustrated hive mate...

but I stuck with it and got it done.  While I have paper pieced many blocks for some reason, I just couldn't get all the components right on this one.  Oh, there was too short of piece... see pic below...
Yep, see that little triangle on the corner that's not suppose to be there?  And then there was getting the wrong colors in the wrong order...
Yep, those are all oops blocks and the geese not flying in the right direction.. but never fear paper piecing for with enough hours and determination you will prevail!
YES!  and I love the way it finally turned out!  I may actually make some more of these to go with my oops blocks for a quilt... ;-)

Lisa M

Under the Wire (but just barely) - Stash Bee in September (Hive 7)

Anja chose a great, fast, easy, modern and very impressive block!
Der Block den sich Anja gewünscht hat ist schön, leicht und flott zu nähen, modern und sehr beeindruckend!

And here is my block:
Und hier ist mein Block:

Sew them together randomly, she said. Random is not easy!
Die Blockteile willkürlich (planlos) zusammennähen, hat sie gesagt.  Willkürlich ist nicht leicht!
The block was mailed today - on the last day (not proud of that)
Der Block wurde heute abgeschickt, am letzten möglichen Tag (darauf bin ich nicht stolz) 

September's Block-Hive #4

I really thought that this block would be more difficult than it was.  I am not completely satisfied with my dimensions, so I'm trying to finish up a second block to add to this party!  I could definitely

 see myself using this block in the future!

Hive 9 September Block

Here is Allison's candy block - I hope you like it! Her instructions were easy to follow and the hardest part was deciding on fabrics and colors. Since there were hardly any green blocks, I decided to go with some Konas and a geometric print. 

Hive 1 Block for Laura

Sometimes I feel like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz.... "If I only had a brain"

Here's my block for Laura...I went "pinkish" this month.  This is sure to be a very colorful and playful quilt when its done.  Of course I finished the block weeks ago and posted it on Instagram...but forgot to post it here.... My bad!

I sent it out last week, so hopefully Laura has already added it to her collection.....

Brrrr... Its starting to get chilly here in Maine.

Hive 1 block

Here is my aqua block for Laura!

Hive 4 block for Gayle

This was a fun and forgiving block to make and I really, really the colour scheme Gayle has chosen for the x+ block!  Thanks for a brilliant block!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Blocks for Anja & Allison

Hello there!

I couldn't resist making a block for Allison in Hive 9. She is our fearless leader after all! (Allison is the president of our local modern quilt guild chapter- South Florida MQG.)

And a fun modern HST block for Anja.

Hive 9 September Block for Allison

September Block for Allison

This block was so much fun, and so, so easy to make. The hardest part was limiting the fabrics to only three in one block. I apologize for the pictures glare and cloudiness, I promise these look better in person than the pics show. I think I need to get a new phone case, or take it off and clean the lens.


My parents are moving to Florida at the end of this month, and I have been looking for a quilt pattern to make one for them to take home when they come back to visit at Christmas. I am thinking this may be a great option.

Hope you enjoy Allison.


Hive 9 September block for Allison

I have had a crazy busy September, but it was sooo relaxing to stop all the crazy and work on this block. It is defanetly a stress reliever.
I picked pink because I really love anything pink, although I never wear pink and don't really see pink anywhere in my house, I have a good bit of pink fabric, so I loved getting my pink on for this block.


Hive 9 - September block for Allison

Hello. I finally got around to making this cute block. I like to wait towards the end of the month and see what others have done, then look for colors that might have been missed. With this block I didn't really see much with green so I figured I'd make sure she had green covered.

The photo doesn't do the greens justice as they aren't quite as neon as they look on my screen. I like how it turned out though. I just need to press it and get it in the mail tomorrow. Can't wait to see it all finished.  ~Kelly

Hive 6, September Block for Judy

Well, leaving it a little close to the end of the month here, two days or so to go. It was a pleasure to make these blocks for Judy. Judy chose a simple checkerboard design. For me I was glad to see this, it has been bit of a mad month here.

The blocks sewed up in no time, but I did find I have a dearth of large print fabrics. Is that a shopping opportunity? Well, maybe for the future, but for today I had to make do.

As it turned out I made 4 blocks for Judy. With hindsight, I should have mixed them up a little more. Great thing hindsight.

Judy, it has been a pleasure to make these, and I look forward to seeing your finished quilt.

Helen x

Hive 6 - September Block

Hi Rebecca here from @OneWeeBird

Loving the secondary pattern in this months block!

This is Judy's block for September....yes I know the butterfly is upside down but I'm hoping Judy will make it right side up in her finished quilt LOL

These four units were posted last week and I was grateful for a straight forward block amidst a mental busy month!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hive 8 September Block

   I think I had a little more going on this month than I could easily manage but I have got the block done just in the nick of time.

     I think I've done paper piecing about 3 times before this.  The first section went together very very slowly but then the three other sections were a breeze and I enjoyed seeing the pattern emerge.  It's still oversized but I think I'll leave it to you to trim up.  I'm curious to see how this one comes together in a quilt as you gave us lot's of options for this one!

Judy's Hive 6 blocks

I'm cutting it close this month, but fortunately Judy's blocks took longer to pick fabrics for than they did to sew up! They're in the mail today.

Hope you enjoy them Judy!

Judy's Hive 6 Block for Sept!

This was a fun one and I love how all 4 look together! I made you 2, and I'll send you a couple extra hsts and scraps. :) I hope you like them! I'm so sorry for the awful picture, my good camera is on the fritz, so I'm stuck with my phone camera.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Hive 7 September Block

Hive 7 Block September

Oh my where has this year gone ! September already ( actually so close to October I can see it !)

Loved this block. The colours and the random use of HST - got the kids involved they had to choose which block to use next. And now the three of them want one each.... any idea how many HST I need to trim !!!!

This block is in the mail today.

Hive 3 - September Block for Emily

I struggled with this block, really really struggled. Not making the block that was very easy, but deciding on a theme. I suck at applique, so I knew adding something to my block was a no go, so I wanted a theme. But I"m not a big novelty fabric person and the first theme I thought of that I knew I had fabric to use was "monkeys" and she had done that as her sample.  So I was talking to my sister and she reminded me of the a quilt she made that used Texas and western fabrics. I started digging through the left overs and found enough to make my block. Emily did say anything goes and I hope she meant it.  I really like the block, and it was fun once I found the fabrics.

From the blocks I've seen so far, I think Emily is going to end up with a very cute quilt, and I can't wait to see it finished. I am headed to the post office to drop this off later this afternoon, so hopefully she will have it soon.

Hive 3 September

It took me forever to start on my block this month. Once I started I had a great time. I can't wait to see what your bookshelf looks like.  Every month I have trouble adding my photo.  Off to drawing board to try again.

My theme was ocean and whales.  I will be sending out today.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hive 5 blocks for Cheryl

This was a quick and fun block to sew-if one's sewing machine doesn't break after cutting everything out! Sorry they took so long to get to you, Cheryl. This will be a fun quilt when assembled. Enjoy it in October! I mailed this off today.

I hope all are having a beautiful Autumn. It is absolutely beautiful here in the foothills of the Wasatch mountains!


Hive 8 September Block for Jennifer

OK, I know I am late this month. My life was not my own the last four weeks. I hope things will turn slowly back to normal now, so that the Queen of October will receive her block faster than Jennifer her's this month. =)

Hail Queen Jennifer, here you trail of geese. I hope it suits. I have tried to keep it interesting but now I fear, it might have turned out too experimental. Jennifer any thoughts?

I mailed the block on: 27/09/16

Hive 4: September Block for Gayle

Hello all.  I really enjoy how this block looks.  The combo of pink & turquoise is fantastic.  When I was photographing my block the turquoise parts look more blue than they are. I tried different lighting and couldn't get it to true to color. Sorry. I think my iphone settings are wonky.

Anyway. Thanks Gayle for a great color combo and block choice.

September Hive 5 - Black Cats for Cheryl

September Hive 5 - Black Cats for Cheryl

Thank goodness I have a month to get my act together.  Because that's how long it took, hoping Cheryl doesn't take it personally.  Certainly had nothing to do with these cute cat blocks, they're adorable.  I used some chemistry fabric on a couple of them and I think they turned out pretty interesting and unusual.  Finished them at midnight last night, fitting for a bunch of black cats.

In the bright morning sun today tried to snap a photo of my old crabby orange cat Dusty with your blocks with limited success.  He wasn't impressed, but then again he never is.

Should be able to post these today as I picked up a USPS envelope earlier in the month.

Thanks for a great tutorial, I enjoy Elizabeth Hartman's blog.  Your quilt is going to be AWESOME and I look forward to seeing the finish.

Susan Pray

Hive 5 Crash

I forgot to add a hive crash when I posted earlier.  I crashed Hive 5 for Cheryl.  How can you resist those cute Kitties.  Made a couple of blocks to go with her litter this month. Easy and Fun. Also, great photo of Sophie and all the other cats.


September Block for Anja

Anja, here are my blocks for you.  I am really interested in seeing what you do with these because this should be a great modern looking quilt. Great color choices, even my son commented about how he liked these blocks. Hardest part for me was putting them together with no pattern. I tried not to over think it and hope you like them.

Looking forward to another new one next month.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Hive 8 September Block

I have had this block made for some time and really tried to NOT sew it in a circle, but all those years of teaching geometry students about how wonderful the circle is, I caved.  I did leave the paper on if you want to rip it apart and make the geese trail more behaved.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Hive 8 block, September

Paper piecing, I was hoping to not have to do it for this bee.  Luckily I learned how to paper piece just last month, so better now than before August, but still, I put off making my block for a while hoping Jennifer would suddenly change her mind and ask us all to do a nine patch or something.  Yeah, no dice.   As a super newbie I cut my pieces HUMONGOUS because I had some problems with not hitting the seam allowance.  I uh, used a half yard of my background fabric in the end.  I also had to completely redo one quadrant because I noticed (too late) that I had used my seam ripper so much on one line that I created a hole in one of my geese. Oops.  But, I got some much needed practice and it is a really cool block, much cooler than a nine patch.  I will probably mail it this weekend.  
My geese flow from light aqua to navy blue.  The background is light great, although it looks brown in the photo.  I hope you like them, Jennifer!

Hive 9 - September Block

Here is my block for September!  Allison asked for this fun candy block!  My stash seemed heavy in pinks so I decided to make pink candies.

The block came together really quickly and I hope Allison likes it.  These will make such a fun quilt!

Hive #1 September block for Laura

What an adventure to make this block; 

My sewing machine broke down and I went over to my mother's to make the block. 
Only to discover she doesn't have a 1/4" foot!
I eyeballed the seams and they turned out just fine....pfiew!!!!

I'm very curious to see the end result of all the blocks together :-)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Hive 7 - September

Loved this block!  Will send my extra tangerine square along with the block 

Hive 2, block for....

As promised in green it is.
So easy to make, you only need 8 pieces.
Have a nice day

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sept block for Gayle in Hive 4

Hello everyone!

I got this block done very early this month, and then proceeded to let it sit on my sewing table until yesterday.  Ahh life, so busy!

I love these colors and the pattern was easy start to finish.  Wonderful pick, Gayle!

I'm so happy to be a part of this Bee!  Wishing everyone a wonderful last day of summer!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hive 7 September block for Anja

Great block! Little jealous of how awesome this quilt will be😉

Monday, September 19, 2016

September Hive 9

This was a fun block!  Super fast, too.  I love the impact it makes.  Careful nesting makes for perfect points.  That, in turn, makes my OCD happy!  I went with yellow since nobody had used that yet and you HAVE to have yellow!  Hope you like it!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hive 3 From the Library of...

Emily chose a wonderful block for our hive this month! It took longer to select fabrics than it did to make the block. Although looking back, maybe I should be concerned that I could shop my stash for this and end up with so many reptiles? And I don't really like reptiles. Any. At all. I squirt the lizards on our patio with a long range squirt gun to discourage them. We have basilisks that can WALK across the pool. I find that just plain offensive.

I also crashed Hive 9 for Alison's candy blocks. This is also a quick and easy block and I'm anxious to see how it all looks when it's pieced together.

Emily, your block will be in the mail on Monday. PLEASE - add titles or anything else you like.I wimped out even trying!
Hive 3