
Friday, September 30, 2016

September Hive 8 Block

Hi All,
Well to say that September has been busy would be an understatement! Traveling and a crazy demanding job has me spent but I was determined to get this block finished.  I will be honest and say that it took over 12 hours, resulted in lots of "oops" blocks, a lot of scraps and a very frustrated hive mate...

but I stuck with it and got it done.  While I have paper pieced many blocks for some reason, I just couldn't get all the components right on this one.  Oh, there was too short of piece... see pic below...
Yep, see that little triangle on the corner that's not suppose to be there?  And then there was getting the wrong colors in the wrong order...
Yep, those are all oops blocks and the geese not flying in the right direction.. but never fear paper piecing for with enough hours and determination you will prevail!
YES!  and I love the way it finally turned out!  I may actually make some more of these to go with my oops blocks for a quilt... ;-)

Lisa M


  1. Oh, well done for having stuck with it. I know the feeling of oops blocks, most annoying at times. The resulting block is very pretty though =)

  2. I am sorry it was such trouble. :( The finished block looks amazing though! I've often had to add a little extra triangle to cover a too short piece - I figure as long as it is the same color, it will be fine. :)


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