
Friday, May 6, 2016

Hive 7 and crashing Hive 9

Well I finished Michelle's block from Hive 7 and it was easy and quick. Loved the block and colors she had chosen. I have had this block in mind for a quilt made from fabric I have had stashed away. This just confirms I need to do only for more time.

I have also crashed Hive 9 and made a block for Debbie.  I have never made a Granny square before, it was pretty straight forward and easy to do. Hope you like the fabric choices. Enjoy.

Which now brings me to my quilt finish from Stash Bee 2016. (YEAH) I finished the top and wanted to go ahead and show you (excuse the poor lighting), even though it hasn't been quilted and bound. I love how it came out. Love quilts with those secondary patterns that pop out when assembled. Thank you to everyone that contributed and made this possible. Now to put it in line to be quilted.



  1. Hey wow! You were fast assembling the top! Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing

  2. It's beautiful! It's really fun to see something completed after viewing all the various pieces.

  3. Love your finish and LOVE my granny square! It's great and it 's here! Thank you for crashing!


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