
Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Block for Hive 3

Hi y'all!

My name is Carolyn and I live in Madison, MS - nice little town that is a little bit country within commuting distance to the capitol of the state, Jackson.

I'm married, coming up quickly on 17 years (next month!) to the best man in the world, and the mother to two awesome little boys, ages 6 and 9 months.

The hardest quilt-thing I ever made was a wall-hanging quilt made of triangles. Silly thing is, triangles aren't even hard... unless you think you have to cut each triangle individually.. with scissors... and using seam allowances with marks on it (as if you're making clothing from patterns, know what I'm talking about?). So, yeah, after I spent hours cutting, piecing and then hand quilting, I came across a tutorial online about HST. Doh!

My favorite dessert food is a small piece of dark chocolate and a glass of red wine.

The last time I laughed really hard not too long ago, maybe a few weeks? I was watching my sons laugh at each other. It was the sweetest, cutest thing in the whole world.

Right now my day job is being a SAHM, but I am a licensed architect. I worked full time crazy hours prior to the birth of my first son, then quit to stay home, gradually getting back into part time work as he started preschool. I haven't worked as an architect since January with the birth of my newest, but will probably ease back into it as this second little one goes to preschool (in 3 years).

I learned to sew when I was 5 or 6, I think. I hand embroidered first, then moved on to sewing clothes and eventually put together my first pieced pillow (at age 8-9). I sewed a lot of my own clothes during my teen years, put together a quilt - although got very discouraged when trying to quilt it and ended up abandoning it.  My mom is the one who introduced me to fabric and sewing, but she pretty much let me learn from trial and error.

Life philosophy.... hmmm, this is a hard one. I'm pretty easy going - so maybe Live and Let Live? I'm big on not getting offended or letting myself get wrapped up in drama. (Which means I can't WAIT until the election is over so facebook can be less political hate mongering...)

For my block this month my request is for half square triangles turned into an hourglass. Here is a great tutorial - better than I could do:

Hour Glass Tutorial

Instead of using the same fabric for both sides of the hourglass, you can mix it up.  Here is an example:

You can see that I'm leaving the block at the 5" square size - I'd like at least four so that I have the option of making it into a pinwheel.  If you feel so inclined, since this is a simple block, I would love more!
The fabric colors would be nice to include some orange and teal (that's what I have and am using), although I don't think that's necessarily necessary.  Here is a sample of the fabric I'm planning to use: 

Notice the small print, retro feel -- orange, yellow, brown, teal.  Kona White is the other side of the hourglass.    Start with 6" squares, with finished blocks squared up to 5".  You can either square them up for me, or I can do it.  Just leave them as 5" squares so that I can arrange myself, since I don't know how random I'm going to want the hourglasses.
Thank you all!  Let me know if you have any questions. 

Editing to add: I don't have an up to date blog, but I do have a facebook page that you are welcome to visit (and like!):


  1. Woah - I woke up this morning and one of the first things I did was read an hourglass tutorial and make a few. Now you've posted this! Crazy :) I have some fabrics that will be perfect for you.

  2. That's a neat coincidence! Thank you, thank you! I can't wait to see the blocks!


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