
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hive 5 June Tutorial – Irish Chain Bunting Block for Denise

 Hive 5 June Tutorial – Irish Chain Bunting Block for Denise

Hello Ladies,

I’m Denise and this is my first year participating in a stash bee.  I’m loving it so far, as I get to make some cute blocks and converse with some interesting ladies. I live in Tauranga, in the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand. We grow avocados, and at the moment we are in the thick of winter. My most hated season, but good for sewing. We have two daughters, one who is married, and lives in England, and the other who lives in Vancouver, Canada. My goal was to bring up strong independent women, and I have succeeded too well.

For this month, I have called on the resources of a past block posted by @evannonearth, last year. It is called the Irish Chain Bunting Block.

For the background fabrics I would like a scrappy mix of low volume, white or off white.  Small patterns and little bits of colour are fine, but as the other colours are medium values, the background needs to be as light as possible. The main colours of the bunting chain in the block are orange and teal. Any orange and teal will be fine, but I’m aiming for a softish look in the finished quilt. Prints are fine, but no Christmas or ‘American Patriotic’ prints please.

Here is my fabric pull for inspiration.

Cutting instructions

From both Orange and Teal fabrics cut

1 - 3” x 3” square (this will be for the centre pinwheel)

4 - 2.5” X 2.5” squares

From the Background White fabrics cut

2 - 3” X 3” squares

8 – 2.5” X 4.5” rectangles

4 – 4.5 X 4.5 squares

All Seams are ¼” and pressed as directed. 

Step 1.   Draw a diagonal line on the back of all the orange and teal squares.

Step 2.   Pair each 3” colour square with a corresponding white 3” square. Sew a scant ¼” either side of the drawn line. Cut along the line and press open with the seam to the colour side.  You will have 4 half square triangles, which now need to be arranged in a pinwheel. Sew together and if possible, press the seams in the back so they form a spiral.

Trim this part of the block down to 4.5”, ensuring that the centre of the pinwheel is in the centre.

Step 3.   Place one of the coloured fabrics that measures 2.5” right sides together with a background rectangle and sew on the line. Trim ¼” from the seam and press the seam towards the coloured fabric.  Make 8; 4 x Orange and 4 x Teal

Step 4.   Arrange all the units and background 4.5” pieces to resemble the bunting block.  Press towards the background squares. Then sew the rows together to form a 12.5” block.

Finished block

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