
Monday, November 29, 2021

Hive 1, June 2021 Jayne's finished top

Here is my finished top. I was hoping to have it quilted by now but my longarm machine part still has not arrived. I wanted my hive mates to see their beautiful blocks they made me all together in the quilt creating a beautiful flower garden. Thank you to all the worker bees for a fun year and espically for the beautiful blocks you made me. This quilt will become my retreat quilt to take along on my sewing retreats and will always remind me of this fun year and having something to look forward to each month while sheltering at home due to Covid. I wish everyone good health and happiness. Keep on stitching. Jayne


  1. You picked a great block for a group quilt. I love the variety and the Shoo Fly blocks created with your sashing. Thanks for showing us the result. Best wishes in your quilting future.

    1. Thank you Kathryn, I'm real happy with the outcome. All the blocks ate so pretty and together beautiful.

  2. It's just beautiful! So glad to have contributed a block. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Diana for all your hard work keeping the hive in order and your block has the place of honor being the first block placed. Keep on stitching.

  3. Beautiful! It looks like a cool boho vibe. Happy stitching.


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