
Monday, February 1, 2021

Hive 2 - February Tutorial - Star & Cross Block

Hi, this is my 6th year in Stash Bee and every year I look forward to the great blocks made by my hive mates!

I saw a quilt using a similar block, and now just see the name from the 5,500 Blocks Book is Star and Cross, I see the cross but not so much the star. 
 This is a simple to sew block, but I do want a specific color scheme.

Purple, pink towards magenta, bright lemon yellow, soft green (almost towards lime) and a purpley blue (more on the light side). From these five colors you will pick any two, color A and B.

Background will be low volumes.


Cut 12 - 3 by 3 inch squares of low volume. They don't need to be all different, but if they repeat just space them around the block.

For the cross Cut 4 - 3 by 5 1/2 inch rectangles from your color A choice. I prefer this to be a texture, tone on tone, or blender where it basically reads as one color. Cut all from the same fabric. Batiks are okay. If you can, avoid solid colors.

For the other squares in color choice B - Cut 4 - 3 by 3 inch squares, these can be multi-color as long as they are still mostly the main color, all from same fabric.

For the center square cut a different fabric that coordinates with the 4 squares above in color B. Cut 1 -3 by 3 inch.

Take 8 low volume squares and sew into pairs. Take the remaining 4 low volumes and sew them to the 4 squares in color B. Then pair these together to make blocks of 4.

Sew the center block section between 2 of the color A - 3 by 5 1/2 inch blocks. Sew the remaining rectangles between the 4 patch blocks and then sew together as in photo.


This block should measure 13 inches square (will finish at 12 1/2) inches. (I know this is an odd size, but since it is based on a 5 patch, it would only be 10 inches if I used 2 1/2 squares and I wanted it slightly larger, so that is why I am using 3 inch squares.)


If you have any questions, please contact me.


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