
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Sheltering At Home - Our Story -- Our Neighbourhood

Hello to all my Stash Bee buddies.   Today is an wildly meaningful day because its the day I get to share my finished 2020 Stash Bee Quilt.

But First...

Many of you know how vital I believe it is that we document our lives in 2020 because these are, in all likelihood, the most extraordinary days any of us will ever witness.  You perhaps also know I spent bags of time this spring searching for some way to remind myself that everything going on in the world right then was not PERMANENT; I wanted something joyful to look forward to during the really bad, terrible, awful days when it seemed possible that the worst outcomes were gonna happen.   

When I realized I was part of a wonderful world-wide community of "Makers", each with a story to tell, I knew exactly what I needed.....a quilt to celebrate our lives in 2020 and to remind me that we are all in this together. 

I imagined a quilt that would tell our stories of "Sheltering at Home" so I asked my hive-mates to stretch their imaginations and make a big quilt block about their home/neighbourhood and to share a bit about their life during the early days of Covid-19. 

I was simply blown away by how everyone in Hive 4 reached out  and went so far above and beyond my wildest expectations to make something personal for my quilt...some of you made more than one block....and I even received blocks from folks in other hives.  My heart is full.  Here is our quilt.  

Its just stunning. I am blessed to be part of this group and grateful for all the work you did to make my vision a reality.


  1. I was not in your hive but I too am blown away by how this turned out. Enjoy your community.

  2. Your quilt is stunning!! I had to chuckle, though - directly next to my blue house is a pine tree. My neiughbor's yard actually DOES have a tall pine tree in that exact spot.

    :) Linda

    1. I’m so glad you are okay with the quilt. I ended up trimming or adding to many of them to try to find a common measurement.

  3. Wow!! Your quilt is stunning, and so very fun and unique! What a great idea!

  4. Wow, this is amazing! What an amazing hive, and such a fun neighborhood. Looks like a nice place to be quarantined.

  5. Amazing! So happy to be a part of it. Very inspiring


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