
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Hive 1 August for Marie

Glad to make a favorite block.  So glad that I made two.
Here's a recent Churn Dash I made with scraps that was given as a baby gift last month.  I liked the offset in the setting.
Kathie L in Allentown


  1. Kathie,
    I love this quilt! Where did you get the pattern? Joan

  2. Thank you Kathryn! Your blocks arrived today and I'm so appreciative of having two from you. You do nice work. And I love your quilt as well. The offset setting gives it a nice change. I'm planning on doing applique blocks between each Churn Dash with all this down time, but who knows?

  3. And I love the postcard you sent along with the blocks. It's going on my bulletin board with the other black and white cards. Thanks!


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