
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Hive 5 - May Tutorial - Snowball block for Jennifer

Pink and Orange Flowering Snowball:

This is the first time I am treating myself and making something for me to use.  It is super fun to get to pick colors without having to please anybody else.  I am going for bright.

I really love bright pink and orange, so I am looking for fun and colorful!  The little yellow squares can be any shade of yellow.  For the petals, I used Kona Bright White, but any white will do.  The trick to this block is to have the two orange opposite each other and the two pinks opposite each other so they end up making a pink block and an orange block.

Below are the basic 9 steps to these blocks with some pictures showing my journey putting this block together.  There is also a link to a complete tutorial that includes the templates. Templates can be tricky, so take care to make them exact so things line up.

Here are the steps:

1. Download, print and cut out the templates
2. Fabric - cut 8 of the white petal pieces
3. Fabric - cut 4 of the corner pieces from PINK
4. Fabric - cut 4 of the corner pieces from ORANGE
5. Fabric - cut 2 one inch squares from YELLOW

6. Sew - Sew two white pieces on a corner, round the curves.  I usually pin in the middle and just adjust it as I sew to line it all up.


7. Sew - Sew two more white pieces on the opposite corner (same color)
8. Sew - Sew opposite color corner pieces to Yellow middle piece
9. Sew - Assemble and sew together following the curve

Here is a blog post with the templates and instructions:

I"m looking forward to a month of excitement delivered in the mailbox!
Thank you to all.

-  Jennifer                  Instagram:  @jennquilts

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