
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Hive 2 - May Tutorial - Heart Blocks

Hi Everyone I'm Lynn; thank you for letting me join your Hive.   I live in Maine with my husband and twin daughters (19yrs) 3 dogs( Zeva, Mojo, Ozzy),  3 cats (Clifford, Veronica, Kitty), 2 rats (Jasper, Onyx), and Pete the lizard.   One of my daughters works at the local animal shelter, we've told her no more animals!  The other just finished her second year of College.

 Thank you for your patience, April was a challenging month (I had surgery and found out where I was working was closing)  so I though this was a perfect block for May.

  Cluck cluck sew has a great tutorial on how to make this block in multiple sizes.  I plan on making multiple sizes to mix in with what you guys send me.

I choose this block in a 6”  block -   4 blocks equal 12” block

If you could send them to not sewn together that would be great so I can mix up the blocks.

Please use 4 different colors for the hearts,  backgrounds should be a low volume white / off white (text prints are fine), please make sure the background is not overpowering.  Please no neon colors, no batiks, no drab fabrics for the hearts

Here are some fabrics I pulled to give you an idea for background and for the Hearts.  Please no solids.

For each heart you’ll need:

two heart pieces 3 1/2” x 6 1/2”

2 background - 3 1.2” squares
4 background - 1 1/4” squares

Draw a diagonal line on all background pieces

Place the 3 1/2" background squares on the bottom, sew on diagonal line.

Trim off bottom outside corners, leaving 1/4" seam allowance. Press

Place the 1 1/4" squares in the upper corners.
sew on the diagonal lines.  trim and press.

This is what your blocks should look like.  Stitch the middle seam, and I pressed the center seam open.

Here are the four blocks I made.   Thank you!!!


  1. Lynn, Let me know what other size hearts you are making and I'll enclose some additional fabric in your package to help you along.

  2. Kathryn any size you want to send will be great, thank you!


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