
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hive 6 May block tutorial - M-Cat block.

Hi gang!! I have recently been really into making quilts for Project Linus, Ronald McDonald house,  etc. So I would ask you all to help me make one for a little person please.

I made this block in about 30 minutes tops, I actually made 2 at the same time as it is easier to sew 2 blocks so I am honestly requesting for you each to make 2 blocks as if I asked for 4 it would end up being a request for an 18 inch block and that exceeds our maximum block size so if you could make 2, that would be completely awesome!!

I am asking for fabrics in yellows, golds, rusty colors. I guess when I thought about it, a certain cat came to mind. Do any of you remember the yellow cat named "Morris the Cat" from the Friskies Cat food commercials? So I am requesting your version of Morris the cat. We actually had a beautiful cat like that named Milo who went to kitty heaven not too long ago. He ended up diabetic the last year of his life and I said I would never give insulin shots to a cat, but  I lied. We all loved Milo so much and he was like my 4th child as my kids grew up with him. So this is the M-Cat quilt.

So for the cat body, yellows, golds, rusts... Anything that makes you think of Morris and Milo.
For the back ground any low volume fabric would work just fine. You can also use a light solid as well, but I do prefer the low volume.

This pattern is geared to using a layer cake fabric (10 x 10) so if you have some left over layer cake sized pieces, please use them.

For the cats you need 2 - 10 inch square fabric pieces.
For the background you can get the background for both cats with 1 - 10 inch square block.

Cutting for the Cat:1 -
place 2-10 inch squares on top of each other and cut in half. you will have 2 - 5x10 inch pieces.
From one 5x10 cut off 1/2 inch and you will have 1- 5 x 9.5 piece for each cat. From other 5 x 10 inch piece cut 1 - 3 x 5 inch rectangle and 2 - 2.5 inch squares.

 From the background square again cut it in half resulting in 2 -5x10 inch pieces. Stack them on top of each other and cut 1 - 5 inch square, 1 - 2.5 x 5 inch rectangle and 1 - 2.5 inch square.

You will have a total of 3 - 2.5 inch squares. 2 cat and 1 background fabric. Draw a diagonal line on the back of each small square.

Next take the 2.5 x 5 inch background square and line them up as if to make a flying geese block and sew on the diagonal lines. Trim the seam allowance.

Now take the background 2.5 inch square and choose which way you would like your cats to face, and line it up and place on one corner of the solid 5 x 9.5 background, trim and press away from the center of the blocks and you will have these. 

Now it's simple block assembly time. Take the cat ears and sew them to the 3 x 5 inch cat piece to make the cat head. 

Then take the 5 inch solid piece and sew the head to the background again being aware where your cattail is so as to sew the background to where the white triangle is on your cat body. 

We're almost done! super simple, right? Easier to do then it is to write this tutorial! :) 

Next take the cat head and sew it on to the body, again the white corner lining up with the background fabric. 

And now, tada!! You did it! Here are the 2 that I made stacking my fabrics when I cut. Super simple and quick. Thank you for helping me to bring joy to little people! 

Any questions, please let me know. Thank you again and I truly appreciate your efforts! 

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