
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Hive 3 March Tutorial Lone Starburst

Hello Hello Stash Bee Hive 3-ers from🌞New Zealand !

I LOVED the star I picked for Lee and after I made it I decided I need a quilt of it... so my block is a Lone Starburst 

Now I am REALLY SLOW at paper piecing so I timed myself (as I know the rules say it can't take more than 1 and 1/2 hours) and it took me less than an hour. HOORAY!
So you can get the template here on Craftsy 
or here if you don't belong to Craftsy
or there is a link here

The colours are completely up to you 😊the only thing I would like is that the 'background' is a night sky colour, midnight blue, charcoal, deep purple, black tone on tone (not solid black).

Below is the paper piecing completed I deserve a chocolate;
And after trimming (MY FAVORITE PART)
Have fun

Miss March - anna 💗


  1. Oh Anna, I did a much simpler version for Lee and it took me nearly three hours. I so hope that you are right.

    I agree though. This is a pretty pattern. The prettiest!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Do you want it scrappy or like yours with 3 fabrics?

  4. Hi! I leave it absolutely up to you, I like them the same but if you prefer it scrappy, TOPS :) Whatever you think will look the best.
    I DO NOT WANT this to be anything but fun! If you are worried about the time it takes send it to me in pieces and I will be happy to finish it.


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