
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Loving Black Cats

Today is one of those days where everything is trying to slow me down.

My sewing machine was set up for quilting, so I pulled out my Featherweight and set it up. After sewing for a while I looked at the backside and realized that the tension was off. After numerous adjustments it was still not right, so I put it away with a promise to fix it later and use my main machine.

I rethreaded my Brother, and changed the needle and the tension and set off. I love this machine, my Nouvelle-1500s.

In the middle of sewing and resewing Cheryl's adorable black cat block, a little bird (Say's phoebe) flew in the house and got confused by the cathedral windows... It took a while for me to catch the little guy and carry him, scolding me and snapping his little beak, to fly away outside.

 I missed the post office package time today so I will blog this before I wrap the block up and head to town, and to work. I tried to get a photo of my black cat, Chai, with the block... but she did not want to be a model today. After chasing her around outside, and failing to get her to pose, I brought her in the house, chased her around,  and finally I got her by her doorbell, as she twitched her tail and waited impatiently to be let outside. She was MAD. Yes, she rings the bell when she wants to go outside.

She does not like to be told what to do. 

Here is my block for Cheryl
I chose a Halloween print, because black cats and Halloween go together like peas and carrots.
A Halloween print.
Cheryl, thanks for this adorable block. Your package is on the way!


  1. Jane, the skeletons are great! Love it! And Chai looks really annoyed!

  2. some days are just like that! love your black cat blox. xoxo

  3. What a smart kitty! It has been funto meet all our cats!


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