
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hive 6 June Blocks

Oh, the blocks that Laura choose were so fun to put together that I ended up with 3 of them before I knew it. I started by raiding my scrap bin and pulling out various combos of colors and then chopped up a low volume fabric I had from another project and was ready to get going. The end result was these 3 lovelies that I hope Laura loves. 

I'm thinking of making a full quilt of these now from a donated bundle of fabrics (fig and Plum by Fig Tree and Co.), if I can figure out what color to put in the corners for my background fabric. 

Any thoughts? 


  1. The fabric bundle is very pretty. How about a very pale blue solid for the corners?

  2. O m g you are so lucky I have a layer cake of that line !!! I want to do the diamond quilt in it but as always want to make it bigger ! will stay tuned and see what you come up with


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