
Monday, May 30, 2016

May Blocks for Hive 3, Crashes for Hives 1,4 and 7

Had these blocks all done early, just waited on addresses to mail them. Had them packaged up too - until I realized I hadn't taken photos or blogged it. At some point it's all going to come together.

Hive 3 for Gina. Fun and easy block so I made two. Hope it works for her. Fun to think they're going all the way to Wales!

Crash for Hive 1 - darling fish but I need Jacki's address?! Worried the one fish may be too teal. He's got lots of royal blue in the print too but just in case, there's a second fish.

Crash for Rose in Hive 4. She was right - the tiny block in the center DID get lost a couple times.

Crash for Michelle from Hive 7, love the colors in this, wish I'd had more blue for her.

Off to see if June's tutorials are up yet.
Linda, Hive 3
llsmail at


  1. Hi Linda, you were busy! Love all your blocks but the star is of course my favorite. Your blues are great. Glad you found that little center square. Thanks

  2. I received your blue star today. It is great. I'm glad you crashed. I can't wait to start putting all these blocks together. Thanks so very much.


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