
Monday, May 16, 2016


In honor of this month's block, I actually bought a cold bottle of Fanta. Unfortunately, I got a little delete-happy with my phone, and lost the photo. That's what I get for trying to be cheeky!

This was a very fun block to make. I use a LOT of white blenders, so every block has a different white. The other fabrics were literally the first four fabrics (with enough area for the project) I pulled out of the scrap bin. This is the best scrappy project I've seen in awhile, so I printed a stack of foundations and left them next to the scrap bin. Now I can have a PhD (project half done) when a surprise occasion comes up!


  1. I did the same thing! I keep a bunch of the foundation patterns. Great scrap buster! Love your blocks!

  2. I did the same thing! I keep a bunch of the foundation patterns. Great scrap buster! Love your blocks!


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