
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March Block for Hive 8

Hello bee mates!  Lee here, I am having a great time sewing along with everyone.  This cross block was fun and simple.  I thought I would end up making several as I make a point to make a lot of boys charity quilts in navy and green. (Boys get overlooked when it comes to charity quilts, I try to make a little dent). Navy is one of my favorite colors to use in general too.  I have a ton of navy. I have a ton of greens too-lime, chartreuse, teal, grass, olive... I have just one mint and no Kelly green, though!  So a navy block it is.  I did find some awesome scraps of a Cotton+Steel navy fabric with a bit of mint and Kelly green in it though! Amanda gave the go ahead to use it in the block, and here is the end result. Until next time!


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