
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hive 5 - March Cowboy blocks for Jane

As a newcomer to Hive 5 and Stash Bee in general I have appreciated the warm welcome emails from the Stash Bees.  Looking forward to more interesting blocks and to stretch my sewing skills.  My March blocks are pretty tame compared to the groovy purple cow and cowgirl blocks posted by some of my cohorts but I had a blast making them from my stash.


  1. Hey there Susan! Your cowboys are anything but tame! They are some handsome dudes. I like your color variety. One purple cow is perfect and plenty. I can't wait to put this quilt together. Thank you sew much!

  2. Hooray! We're happy to have you, Susan!

  3. This looks fun, I like it! :) Hannah


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