
Monday, February 8, 2016

January Block for Audrey

January's Block made in Free Spirit Design Loft Kaleidoscope Starred fabric (blue) and Clothworks Lime Dot (Green)

So sorry, ladies! I got terribly ill and ended up in the hospital at the end of January/beginning of February and totally forgot that I hadn't posted my block! Thanks for your patience! This was a fun block and one I've been meaning to try for awhile. Thanks for the opportunity!

1. Name: Erin Boone

2. Where you live: Monument, CO 

3. Family: Single mama of two sweet toddlers.

4. Pets: Oh my gosh, what pets haven't we owned! Dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs... currently the brood includes one old dog, an angry black cat, the most patient kitten in the world, three brand new free-loading hens, and one betta fish that "feeds" our aquaponics herb garden! 

5. How long have you been quilting?: Just three years :) 

6. What crafts do you do other than quilting?: Just about everything... woodworking, drawing, wool felting. My children study Waldorf teachings so just about any handmade item that can be made from natural fibers, I have tried my hand at :) 

7. Fabric line you want to buy next: Anything Martha Negley makes, I love... Also a huge Anna Marie Horner and Kaffee Fassett fan!

8. Preferred quilting method: Machine quilting on a short arm but I plan to teach myself hand quilting this year.

9. Social Media?: I try to avoid social media... I prefer a simpler life. But I do have an Etsy store for my business, Boonedoggle Quilting. 

10. Favorite book: I am a former English Literature professor so I could NEVER pick one... but I am starting to read the "Little House on the Prairie" series to my girls before they fall asleep at night this year and I am beyond excited to share Laura and her adventures with my kiddos. 

11. Favorite show to binge watch: We don't have a television but I love listening to crime serial radio shows/podcasts while I sew! 


  1. Glad you are feeling better, Erin. And, as a solo parent of 3 now adult girls, I am glad to read that you do a lot of sewing and crafting. I think it is a sanity priority. I loved reading the Little House books with my girls. I need to read the newer book about Laura's real childhood. I understand it wasn't so idyllic.Looking forward to your block photo. xo

  2. Oh jeez, I just saw this and realized I forgot the photo! I am a nutter these days! I'll email it to myself now so I can upload it... sheesh, way to start off the year on the wrong foot! Sheesh!


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