
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hive 9 January block

Well this is embarrassingly late but it is finally done. The new year just brought too much to do. Once I found the time, this block was actually fun to make though I did have a few issues with precise 1/4" seams. Hopefully Yvonne will like it. The blue is dark but looks even darker in the photo than it really is.

As for the questions...

1. Name:  Kelly Horvath

2. Where you live:  Des Plaines, a NW burb of Chicago

3. Tell us about your family:  I live with my husband Russ, and my two kids Jackson & Penelope. They are 8 & 3.

4. Tell us about your pets:  Well right now we are down to two Boston Terriers (sometimes Terrors) named Abbie & Rosie. But in the past decade we've had to say goodbye to 4 cats and 2 dogs. We like a full house I guess.

5. How long have you been quilting?  I'm really new to quilting. But I've been sewing since I was a little girl. I started out making really small, basic quilts when my kids were born but really it has been my mom that has gotten me interested in recent years.

6. What crafts do you do other than quilting?  I work as an artist for a living so I'm always drawing, painting etc. I spent a number of years using a large antique printing press making letterpress stationery and such. I like anything that gets me all inky.

7. Fabric line you want to buy next:  I have no idea. I think I have one picked out and then another comes out that I want even more. I can never decide. I love so many of the Art Gallery collections. I also find myself wanting older lines that are no longer available which can be frustrating.

8. Preferred quilting method (FMQ, long arm, hand, etc.):  Well this is where I defer to others who are more experienced. I've done very little machine quilting but would love to have a go at long arm quilting. I don't think I'd ever have the patience to hand quilt anything.

9. Where we can find you on social media:  @paperstories on pinterest, instagram, and twitter. I'm not a big social media person though.

10. Favorite book:  The Little Prince. Though lately all I've been reading have been a bunch of thrillers by women writers; In a Dark, Dark Wood, The Girl on the Train, Where They Found Her, Reconstructing Amelia....

11. Favorite show to binge watch:  Justified. Timothy Olyphant!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice block! I like your answer about the fabric line - I'm the same but didn't write up as clearly as you.
    Hive 8


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