
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Quilt of Valor Blocks for Rozsamaria

Another fun challenge this month. Our task was to make a scrappy red and gold block to be incorporated in a Quilt of Valor. A worthy goal for November and Veteran's Day commemoration. I did not have any metallic gold, so opted for the cream choice. My personal challenge was making precise and crisp points. Here are my two blocks:

This block exchange group has been sew fun, and inspiring. I have been pushed out of my comfort zone, and gained some new blogging skills, too. Best of all, new friends from all over the world. Yay!
This month's two part question, my favorite quilted thing I've made for myself and for someone else?

My sister Pam and I made these charming quilted wall hangings in tandem. She did the one of our mom, I did the one of our dad. We are not sure of their ages, both are probably 15 or 16.
I have the quilts now, to hang in our cabin home. Sweet and innocent.

Janet James Holbrook

Bud Holbrook
My favorite quilt for someone else is my magnum opus, a king sized, hand appliqued quilt titled "Lollipop Trees" The pattern was by Kim McLean, and made with mostly Kaffe Fassett prints. This was my first block of the moth venture, completed in 20 months, as a gift for my daughter Ainsley.

I was awarded Honorable Mention at the Boise Basin Quilt Show 2013. 
Sewing with my hive mates has been a wonderful experience. I look forward to next year and many more adventures in quilting. Now, off to finish my wonky churn dash quilt! XO


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