
Monday, September 14, 2015

Hive #5 September blocks for Liz

Genevieve again.

These went into the mail on Saturday.  They only have to cross the hill over into San Jose, so maybe they will arrive before I finish this post.

I *loved* *loved* *loved* making these blocks.  I have no idea why.  Maybe it's because they came together so quickly.  Maybe it's because the saturated colors are so beautiful.  Maybe it's because the weather here in Santa Cruz suddenly broke this weekend and it is Fall!  (Seriously: 95 degrees on Friday, which is super-hot here on the coast, and then more like 65 on Saturday.  Crazy times.)

I loved making them so much that now I want to make a fall leaf quilt for myself.  Because, you know, I need another WIP...

All weekend, my son has been making me lego ice cream cones.  I particularly love this one:

and decided that it had to become a fabric stack:

Don't you think these colors will make a perfect fall leaf quilt?

Liz asked how we quilt our quilts.  I've experimented with different things.  Baby quilts I quilt myself, sometimes free motion loops, sometimes stitch-in-the-ditch, most recently I tried orange peel quilting and LOVED it.  That will become a go-to pattern.

I make a lot of queen-size quilts, because it's the most useful size for most adults.  Quilting them is a lot of work, and I hate it.  They either get ditch-stitched or FMQed with loops.  Either way, it's a bit painful pushing them through my little machine.  I have recently decided that, if professional quilt bloggers can send their quilts out to be long-armed, then I can too.

I've got a top that is going to get finished tonight and dropped off with a local long-armer.  I'm hoping that goes well, because I'd love to have that solution.  That way, I can spend less time doing the hateful quilting and more time doing the designing and cutting and piecing (and even hand-binding) that I love!

Happy fall everyone!  (she says sipping her Pumpkin Spice Latte...)

- Genevieve


  1. I'm so grateful for the break from the hot weather, too! Thank you for the beautiful blocks, and I love the colors you picked for your quilt.

  2. Genevieve
    I think your inspiration for your quilt is great and that the fabric you pulled is going to look perfect.


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