
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Hive 4 September Block for Katie

Hello Everyone, it's Diana from Red Delicious Life. I just love when I get to try out new techniques and this bee has certainly been pushing me out of my comfort zones of plain old piecing. This month Katie asked for some cute daisy blocks that were reverse appliqué. I couldn't believe how quick and easy these were to make!

It took me no time at all to make both blocks. I just wish I had 2 different navy fabrics, but I didn't have any in my stash so I went out and got this fabric just for these. I hope she likes them. That quilt is going to be so cute when it's all put together.

Katie's question to us this month was why do we keep quilting. For me, it's the ability to be creative. Also, there always seems to be a never-ending list of quilts and projects that I want to make. I suppose there are always times when I lose my sewing mojo, but all it takes is something to inspire me and I'm right back at it.

1 comment:

  1. Diana - these look beautiful! I'm so glad you liked my choice and your blocks will be perfect in the quilt!


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