
Monday, July 6, 2015

Hive #7 July Block for Mary

It's Shari aka Doohikey Designs letting you know that Mary's July Blocks are in the mail and on their way. I just did them this morning! I created two and I'm sent you the extra triangle leftovers as well.

The first block is Sunray Big Bird and second block is Aqua Paisley Robin.

The question Mary asked is: What is your life-long passion?

I have a lot of passions, but the one I am on right now is to live a creative and healthy life. Finding what makes me happy and what makes my body happy is my passion at the moment. I feel that finding balance in your life can lead to a more happy and fulfilled life.



  1. Your blocks have joined the flock and I'm delighted to see their names which I will pin to them right away!! Thanks!


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