
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Hive 9 June Block for Jacki

Jacki had us make this disappearing pinwheel block out of black and white fabrics. This was a really cool block to watch come together. I must say, I never tried using the 4 HSTs at a time method because I don't want to deal the bias edges. I was going to make my HSTs my usual way, but decided to go ahead and try something new this month. So now I can officially say, I don't like this method. I starched heavily and they turned out just fine. But it's not my cup of tea.

Funny thing, when I was picking fabrics, I thought my second block would look more distinct but it ended up being the busier of the two.

Thanks for the interesting block, Jacki!

As far as Jacki's question of whether the blocks in her picture were taking off, landing, or just milling about, I say they are taking off. They wouldn't mill about in a pattern, and to me they just look more like they're floating away than falling down. :) Fun question!


  1. I agree. I would only use the 4-at-a-time method if the squares made were to be set on point - to correct the grain problem. These are quarter-square triangles not half-square triangles. :)

  2. I can't disagree with either of you, but it is a unique experience for ones' life-list.


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