
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Hive 7 June block for Deana

Another month and another batch of fun bee blocks to try.

This month, Hive 7 is making flowering snowball blocks for Deana. Inspired by Mary at Molly Flanders, I have long had this block and quilt on my to-do list, so I was happy to give the blocks a try.

The curved piecing came together without a problem. Cutting took a little time. If I get around to making a whole quilt, I might consider buying a set of templates so I can rotary cut them.

Where possible, I chose prints from my stash that had more than one of Deana’s chosen colours; for example, one print has brown, blue and green. I also tried to find a selection of background prints that used her chosen colours. My blocks have ended up a whisker too big (no more than a quarter of an inch), but I will leave trimming to size to Deana for safety’s sake.

Deana asked us what got us hooked on quilting. For me, quilting is just an extension of sewing, and I have been sewing and dressmaking as long as I can remember. My tenth birthday present was an antique sewing machine, and I had been using my mum’s before that. At the time, we were living in a rural area without electricity, so I did not waste my childhood watching television; instead, I sewed and read. My first quilt was hand-sewn hexagons, which I started when I was 15 and did not finish until my thirties. It was almost my last quilt! I love hand sewing, but I am not sure about my 15-year-old self’s colour choices.

Of course, being me, I had to go crash some other hives.

I made this for Yvonne of Quilting Jetgirl. Yvonne is in Hive 2.

And I made this for Diana of Red Delicious Life, who has been in another bee with me. Diana is in Hive 4.

aka Granny Maud’s Girl


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