
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Hive 9 May block(s) for Angela

Block done, will be in the mail Monday or Tuesday.

What a great block, I'm glad your 'stole' it for us to do this month. Your hint about using my printer's copy function fixed my frustration with the page not printing the block at 8 inches. I'll have to remember that trick.

I had fun with the scrappy-ness of this block. Paper piecing is always problematical for me, so I started several just to be sure I finished with one good block. This pattern though is easy-peasy, and they all turned out.  I left an extra quarter inch on them all the way around, so you can trim them as needed. Thank you for asking us to leave the paper on. Paper picking is one reason I've never done a full quilt with the technique.

So, three things in my studio and why they are there. First, I have a full TV/Stereo system in my studio. Sometimes music, or a TV show in the background can be just the distraction I need to stay focused. Number two and three are missing from my current studio. (We moved this spring and the new space isn't completely set up.) Number two is tons and tons of indirect lighting. I'm really missing the great light I had in my last space. (There is an electrician in my future.)  Number three is my design wall. Having a design wall where I can leave test blocks up while I think about them, and see a quilt progress from day to day is a fabulous plus. For the moment, though, I am just grateful to finally have my space semi functional.

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