
Monday, April 20, 2015

Hive 2 April block for Angela

I made Angela's Starburst block at a retreat on the North Shore of Lake Superior this weekend. It was a big hit with my fellow quilters. It just might be our guild's next charity quilt. I'm so glad that Angela chose this block and the color scheme is right up my alley too. Greens and blues are my go-to colors. I'm sure this is going to be a beautiful quilt. 

I spent much of my childhood at our family's cabin. It has also been my home since I got married in 1978. So I guess that equals over 50 years of wonderful memories! One of these has to do with catching frogs when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I was obsessed with frogs (and toads) and each weekend would catch as many as I could with the understanding that come Sunday evening they would all be set free, only to be caught again the following weekend. The problem was what to do with them once they were caught. So my dad built me a "Frog Hotel" which was a round "cage" with a wooden top and bottom and wire sides, complete with both land and water sections. It had a hinged trapdoor in the top which could be quickly closed when a new "guest" checked in so that no other guests could escape. My record weekend catch? 86! 

The spring peepers started singing last week-a sure sign that spring has sprung in Minnesota! (Even though there is snow coming our way tomorrow!)


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