
Monday, February 9, 2015

Hive #5 February block for Kim

Kim asked for string blocks in melon, golden yellow, and teal.  These blocks are a terrific way to use scrap strips, so I raided my scrap bin for appropriate colors: plenty of gold and teal, but not much melon-pink.  I added a single melon strip cut from stash, but the rest of the blocks were made from scraps.  

I sorted the scraps by length, which made it easy to grab things and go:

Yes, I did use a strip or two of the pink skulls from Geekly Chic.  I hope that's okay for Kim's little girl!  From the photo, it looks like she and her hubby have a sense of humor, and who can resist pink skulls?!??  Their daughter will just have to be a little bit badass.  :)

Kim asked us what quilts are on our bucket lists.  Amazingly, I don't really have one at the moment.  I've got an X-plus nearly finished and an economy block quilt underway (which you may all be helping with next month!).  There are a couple of fat quarter pulls I have assembled, so I might do something with them, but I'm looking forward to *not* having a plan... It's been a while since I didn't have a long quilty to-do list and I'm excited to live spur-of-the-moment!!


  1. These looks great and the skulls are quite fun! :)

  2. Love your blocks. I was worried about the melon color but think I came through ok..

  3. Just wanted to let you know that your blocks made it to me safely! And thank you so much for the baby bib. That was so sweet of you to include!


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