
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hive 3 January Block

Hi all!  I'm Carolyn from Lanoka Harbor, NJ.  This is my second year in stash bee and I am excited to start another fun year of different blocks.

Ruth asked us to create a book shelf flock for her this month so I decided on a nautical block.  I can't think of anything better coming from the Jersey Shore.  I added titles to the books including one that says Barnegat Bay, which is the bay I live by.  I love that Marcus Brothers put out this line (I have saved every selvage with this on it!)  I also put a ship in a bottle for the decorative item she asked us to include.  As you might guess, I have a lot of nautical fabrics.

More photos on flickr
Ruth asked us about our first quilts.  I made my first quilt in 1998, when I was working at a local craft store (oh how I miss Rag Shop).  I made it with purple sparkly fabric and solid yellow.  It was just simple squares with a couple borders.  I wanted to quilt it on the machine, but I was told that you couldn't do that back then so it is just tied in the corners.  It traveled to college and different apartments with me.

Definitely not the best photo, I pulled the quilt from the space bag it has been in since my last move in 2010 to take it.  I remember the purples were Halloween prints.  It doesn't look too bad for almost 17 years old.


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