
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hive #9 - January Block

What is your name?  
Lynn Hurst 
Welcome to Hive #9 - this is my second round of Stash Bee.

You can find me on Instagram and Flickr as ksdesigngirls
I blog at K&S Design Girls

Where do you live? 
Saco, Maine - which is in the southern part of Maine and the most Northeastern State in United States. I love it here and wouldn't want to live any where else, well I do loving visiting Arizona - just can't imagine living there in the summer time. 

Tell us about your family (Spouse, kids, grandkids, pets, etc.)
One Husband of 19 years, one grown daughter, two grandkids, 
twin daughters, (K&S) that are 14.  
Two cats (Bella and Izzy) and two dogs (Mojo and Zeva).

Tell us about how you got interested in quilting.  
My grandmother taught me to sew when I was about 8 years old, I used to sew my own clothes and then after I had my first daughter I took up quilting, my first quilt was a Trip Around The World that came from Family Circle Magazine. 
By the way I don't sew clothes any longer!

How do you organize your fabric stash?
I store my fabric in a closet in plastic bins in a closet away from the sunlight,
 they're sorted by color.  

Scraps are stored under my cutting table, 
and sorted by dark and light, sorta...

Who is/are your favorite fabric designers?
No real favorites, I usually pick from a variety of designers and lines.

What is one thing you have learned that you wish you knew when you 
first started quilting?
Accurate cutting and seam allowances are super important! Your taste in fabric changes over time and always buy at least a half a yard.

What is your favorite sewing/quilting tool and why should we all go out and buy it?
I have to pick just one - 1/4" foot for my sewing machine! But as many of you know that they're not always accurate - I had to make adjustments to my settings so I get the perfect 1/4" seam.

Who is your favorite fictional character and why? 
(Could be from a book, movie, TV show, etc.)
This is a toughie, I read a lot - but not one favorite that sticks out,
 I love strong women that are uncoventional in their times.

Now on to my block, which is from Moda Recipes called Lattice Bones
this block was fun and easy - I hope you enjoy making it also!

I would like to keep to similar colors as the photo.  
Think fall/warm colors - 
warm reds, golden yellow, rust, warm greens, gray blues, brown, and orange
 (please do not use really dark blues or greens). 
Please no Pinks or purples.

For the background any off white, cream, light tan, beige -
 low volume prints that read as a solid. 

One block consist of 4 bones.
For each Bone you need:

2 each - 6.5" x 2.5" Dark strips
2  each- 2.5" squares Dark
Please keep the dark all the same color in each bone. 
But each bone should be a different dark fabric,

4 each - 4.5" x 2.5" Light
2 each - 2.5" squares - Light
Please use a variety of different light fabrics, 
you can use as many as 6 different fabrics or as few as three.

Here are my pieces all cut for 4 bones which equal one block.

Layout your pieces- like this...

Sew the outside pieces together

Take your 6.5" prints and lay a 4.5" solid diagonally across the top. (Right sides together)

Mark it from corner to corner with a fabric pen, iron or finger press.

Make sure your diagonal line is going the same way as pictured. 

I found it helpful to sew a hair width inside the line. 
(Side closest to the corner.)

Trim to 1/4"

This is what your pieces should look like.

Sew together,  I found it helpful to pin the seams.   Your block should be 8.5".

Here are 4 bone blocks laid out.

Sew the 4 bone blocks together,

but if your running tight on time 
or don't want to sew the four bones together, 
that's fine too - send me 4 bones.  

The finished block should be 16.5"
You only need to make one block which contains 4 pieces/bones.

Please make each bone a different color.  
Please do not trim down the finally block I will do that.

I went a little crazy with my sample blocks.

Thank you, any questions please post them on Flickr.


  1. I've just finished. I'll pop it in the mail as soon as it thaws out around here. ;)

  2. My blocks will be mailed tomorrow.


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