
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hive 9 - February Block Tutorial

Hello!  Here is my Hive 9 post for February.  This is my first time participating in a quilting bee online and I hope you like the block I chose.

What is your name? Karen Stewart

Where do you live? I live in Huntington Beach, California

Tell us about your family (Spouse, kids, grandkids, pets, etc.)  I'm a single Mom with two grown sons, Jason and Chris.  They are twins and both live in Los Angeles.

Tell us about how you got interested in quilting.  My grandma taught me a little about sewing and quilting when I was a little girl--that was a long time ago. 

How do you organize your fabric stash? My stash is not organized at all and is in an embarrassing assortment of containers.

Who is/are your favorite fabric designers?  I love Lori Holt, Aneela Hooey and Carolyn Friedlander designs

What is one thing you have learned that you wish you knew when you first started quilting?  Use good quality fabric!  You won't be happy with something that is not printed correctly and on grain.

What is your favorite sewing/quilting tool and why should we all go out and buy it?  I love Wonder Clips for binding and my Clover needle threader 

Who is your favorite fictional character and why? (Could be from a book, movie, TV show, etc.)  I don't really have a favorite fictional character.  I read lots of mystery novels and will usually be in the middle of a series.

Now on to the block.  I'm requesting the Chunk Churn Dash by Bonnie Hunter.  I am not requesting any specific range of colors--I will be making this quilt super-scrappy style and welcome your favorite combinations.  I would like to have the centers and outer small rectangles of the block light and the corners and inner small rectangles darker.  Here is a photo of my strips before sewing. Please feel free to use the same light fabric for the center and the small rectangles.  I would like to have two different dark fabrics for better contrast.

My finished block looks like this:

Please let me know if I've forgotten anything of if you have any questions.  I look forward to working an everyone's block in the coming months.



  1. Ya for an early post! I made you 5 of these, but 2 don't have the light fabric as the inner rectangle. I will send them anyway. I posted a pic of the blocks.

  2. Ya for an early post! I made you 5 of these, but 2 don't have the light fabric as the inner rectangle. I will send them anyway. I posted a pic of the blocks.

  3. Perfect block choice! Love that you are letting your hive mates choose their own color scheme!


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