
Friday, February 1, 2013

February block for Stash Bee #4

My name is Pauline Moulsdale and I live in Yorkshire which is in the north of England.  It is a most beautiful county and we live just outside Harrogate which is a Spa town.  The waters are disgusting if you are brave enough to taste them but they are supposed to have healing properties.

I am married with one son who lives and works in Kilifi, Kenya.  I have just spent two weeks there in the beautful sunshine, his house is directly by the ocean so it was two glorious weeks escape from the cold and wet here in the UK.

The most difficult quilty thing I have ever done were two blocks of catherderal window and no, I shall never try them again.  My mind simply does not deal with the concept although I love the results.

I am really a savoury girl, but my favourite desert is far and away trifle, lots of raspberries, sponge cake, syllabub and whipped cream, and of course liberal doses of brandy and sherry - definitely worth getting fat for!

The last time I really laughed out louds was a couple of days ago when I attended a Jennie Raiment workshop with my friend Helen.   Suffice it to say that we are known as the giggling Gerties by the ladies on our library delivery round.

I am now thankfully retired and enjoying all the benefits of 'time'.

Like all my generation I learned to sew from my mother and her sister and of course at school.  I think the first thing I sewed was a traycloth under the auspices of Aunty Rhona as a present for my mother.

Life philosophy is a tough one, but possibly 'do as you would be done by' and 'seize the day' best sum it up.

You will find details of the Wonky House here.


  1. Hi Pauline...I love the bio! Love where you live in N England. romantic too~ Love your wonky house. I'm retire too and LOVE IT~~!! ♥

  2. great bio and great block!
    I am just in the process of putting together a wonky house quilt from an internet swap!
    I love wonky houses sooo much!

    so thrilled with this months block!

  3. Ooh, looks like a lot of fun. Do you have any preference on the size of the block or the houses?

  4. Pauline, I'm only a month behind on my bee blocks, now - hooray! I didn't see a lot of info regarding dimensions for the wonky house block - do you have a particular size you're looking for?


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