
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Progress update - hive 4

Thank you to all my hive-mates for your understanding and well wishes after my hurried email with the January block instructions, instead of a proper post.  Of course I knew all along that I was due to have our second baby early January so I should have been properly prepared but I wasn't...
so I figured I will a post now that things have settled a bit around here.

My name is Cecillia.  I live in Toronto, Canada with my husband and 2 sons.  My eldest is two and a half and my little one arrived on January 9, at a whopping 8lb 13oz.

The first few weeks were definitely an adjustment but our little family is doing well and so thrilled with our (not so) little addition  :)

I have been sewing and knitting since I was very little, since my mom is very crafty.  However I've only started quilting a couple of years ago, once I had my first son.  That first baby quilt got me hooked!

I am thoroughly enjoying being part of this bee and making all these fun blocks every month!  :)

Here are all the lovely blocks I've received so far from Carol, Allison, Pauline and Sandra:

Thank you so much ladies!!  :)

Oh, and here's my December for Debbie, that I was able to churn out a few days before my due date:


  1. Congratulations, what a little cutie!!

  2. Congratulations!! He's ADORABLE:)

    How's that for perfect timing. You get to be the bragging queen bee.LOL

    Your quilt is going to be gorgeous too.

  3. Oh many congratulations on the little one! He looks gorgeous!

    all the best to you, and your family!

  4. enjoy your time with your gorgeous new addition xx

  5. Parabéns,seu bebe é lindo.Deus abençoe e a toda família,beijos.

  6. Oh Cecillia, he is just DARLING! Congratulations! I am so glad that you and the baby are well!
    The quilt is lovely as well!
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful news!

  7. He's beautiful! And the 2 blocks on the right in the 3rd row are from me.

  8. Thanks everyone!

    And sorry Cyndi that I missed your name! I'm going to blame baby-brain ;)


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