
Friday, August 3, 2012

Amber's August Block for hive 4

Sorry this is posted from my mom's account I was having trouble getting my account to work.
I am using Kona white in the center with black and purple. I don't have a preference as to whether the black or purple is against the white. I am asking for one 12" block.
the center square is 4 1/2" the strips are 4 1/2" by 2 1/2" and the triangles are 4 3/4".
                                         This is showing all the pieces cut and arranged.

            Next you sew the black and purple triangles together and the black and purple strips together.

                                          Then sew the squares into rows as shown above.
                                            Then sew the rows together. I will square them up.


  1. My math for HSTs is awful, so please forgive the n00b question I'm about to ask. Do you want the fully constructed HST to be 4.75" or is it a 4.75" square cut in half to make the triangles?

    I've been wanting to make one of these blocks, so I'm excited about this one!

  2. life becoming calm again so going to work on your block today... well make it anyway xx will be in the post tomorrow x

  3. Hey Amber! So sorry, I'm running late for August, will get your block out this weekend, sorry!!


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