
Monday, June 4, 2012

Hive #2 June Block

I have to admit that this block was a tricky one for me.  It took me forever to come up with a crystal shape that I liked that was unique, but once I had that it went a lot smoother.  I had all of my pieces cut and organized and was about to start sewing them together when my husband came in and asked "why don't you do that paper piecing thing where you sew them together by hand?"  ::pause:: Hmmn, interesting idea.  It would take longer but in the end I'd probably be a whole lot saner since I wouldn't have to sew a bunch of teeny-tiny Y-seams on my machine.  Done! and so I decided to sew the pieces together by hand.  BTW, I love that my husband knew what that was.  I love that he knows what paper piecing is.  (Though I can't take all the credit, his mom is a quilter too)

June Block for Stash Bee

So wha-la! Here is my Geometric Mess quilt block for Laurel.  100% hand pieced and hand appliqued
(I started to applique the pieces on with my machine but then I decided that the solid color going around each crystal distracted too much from each crystal, so I appliqued them on by hand).

I have to say that it was pretty relaxing to make this by hand.  It's nice to remember once in a while that I don't always need my machine and that simple is sometimes the best way to go.

I didn't make a signature block because you didn't say you wanted one, but if you do just let me know and I'll whip it up.  The block will be in the mail as soon as Rebeckah's is ready to go too.



  1. Your block looks great! I am totally going to redo mine trying hand sewing and appliquing since it does look so much nicer.

  2. That is so stunning! It looks like a computer graphic! (That's a compliment, btw!)

  3. It looks absolute amazing! Sewing per hand can be really relaxing :) and you have a clever hubby!

  4. This is beautiful! I love hand piecing, but didn't want to force that on anyone here. I'm really impressed by your work.


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