
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Evelyn's June Block for Hive #3

I chose an extra easy block so you can make it in a hurry and have plenty of time for summer fun. The pattern and instructions can also be found at Click on blocks by size--12" and scroll down to Mr. Roosevelt's Necktie. Please make this block with a white, cream or light tan background and use any color (print or solid) for the tie. Cut six 3 1/2" colored squares and eight 3 1/2" light squares. The colored squares can be all one color or six different ones.
Cut one 4" colored and one 4" light square. Cut each of these 4" squares on the diagonal. With a light and dark triangle right sides together, sew a 1/4" seam on the diagonal side. Repeat with remaining triangles. Press seams toward the colored triangles and trim blocks to 3 1/2".
Sew squares together into four rows as pictured:
Sew rows together and press block. It should measure 12 1/2". Happy sewing and thanks a bunch.


  1. love it...but I have no cream or white...guess this means I have to go to the quilt shop...darn;)

  2. You say "the colored squares can be all one color or six different ones." I took this to mean "or any combination thereof." I made mine with the colored outer squares one fabric, and the 2 on the inside another. I'm guessing this is ok, but let me know if it's not, and I'll make a new one!

  3. have made your block... you have to go to my blog to see it as I cannot post to this site.. ...we have the Diamond Jubilee long weekend so will post Wednesday when it is over and the Post Office reopens xx


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